Chapter ~ 13

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~ Chapter 13: Faith in Dragons, Faith in Magic, Faith in Uncles ~

Connecting with another dragon is... strange to say the least. It off-tilters my head and makes me shake. Willow's huge green eye blinks in anticipation of my response. But, even though I know we need to get going, I'm not sure how to answer, how to even talk to her. It's nothing like when Cai first invaded my head, this is worse. Now, not only do I have Cai in my head, but another voice that seems to fill every crevice of my brain.

"You are very thoughtful." Willow says. Her voice is smooth and lyrical, like a piano with its neutral middle C. But like that piano, I can sense Willow's darker side, the thundering chords of tenor and bass.

"I..." I begin.

"Thinking is a nuisance." She interrupts. "Speak, don't think."

I'm pretty sure you think before you speak on a regular occurrence, but I'm not going to try and tell her that. She might eat me.

"Nim." The little Lýkos' head pops up, her bright brown eyes questioning what to do. "Go find Filly." She obeys, leaving the room in a flurry of grey and gold. I could get used to having a little minion around listening to my commands.

"I do hope the mutt isn't coming. I don't do dogs."

"Get over it." I say aloud.

Willow's eye narrows impeccably. "Keep in mind who is the dragon here."

"If she tries anything..." Cai starts.

I interrupt him. "Don't worry, Willow. I won't forget." The sneer in my voice doesn't escape her. "You just remember who can get things done and not draw attention."

"You are too much like Tri," She hums. "We will get along just fine. Now, hurry it up. The Raiders are stirring." She leaves the window as I grab my backpack, quiver and bow. I pause as the handle of a sword catches my eye, peeking out from behind the armchair near the fireplace. I haven't seen my sword since I was captured by Rayn, and I can't say I've missed it. I grab the handle and frown at the difference I can feel humming through it.

"I forgot to tell you." Cai starts as I pull the blade from the scabbard. "A Dwarf here named Ryn made that from my tail scales. It has the same ability as your Jade, although not as strong." Black shimmers with silver in the blade, twisting and twirling through a dance to the point. "It's called Leviathan."

I click my tongue at the sword. "I'm not calling it that." I attach the scabbard to my belt and sling everything else over my shoulders. I've thought before about how my Jade is a black dragon scale, but I've never considered it to be from Cai. "Seems there are a lot of things you need to tell me."

Cai nods. "Yes, but it'll have to wait, my story is not something to talk about over tea."

I figured.

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