The boys talk quietly about stuff that doesn't concern me. I shift from foot to foot. I step out of Turner's and walk out on the sidewalk. I lean against the brick wall and breath in and out, watching my breath turn to steam.

I wrap my arms around myself to keep what little body heat I have left. I rub my arms to create friction when a warm coat is placed on my shoulders. I look and see Roe's coat on my arms with Theo behind me.

I shrug it off and let it hit the ground. "What's with the jacket?" He bends down and scoops it up.

"It's not mine. It's Roe's." I cant wear it knowing that she's awake. She'll find out. I look over at the bar across the street. I see all the big burly guys in there playing poker and the one old lady sitting at the bar with a glass of a warm brown liquid in the glass. The thing that grabs my attention is the pool table in the back.

I feel the warmth on my shoulder again, but this time I am surrounded with Theo's scent. I look over and he placed his jacket on my shoulders. I smile and pull it closer to me. I look back over at the bar.

"Do you want to go play pool?" I point over. Theo nods and leads me over to the bar. When we walk in it smell similar as Turner's: musty and smoky.

'Savior' by 'Rise Against' is playing in the background. No one looks up to see the teenagers in the bar. The pool table is in the back with no one around it. We grab the pool cue and the ball are already on the table. This was going to get my mind off the whole situation.

I rack the balls and stand, looking at Theo. "Ladies first." He offers.

"What a gentleman." I lean over the table and aim. Sinking my first shot. I lean back and smirk at Theo.

"There was a place I would play pool before I moved here. Granted, I didn't go there often."

Theo bent down and aimed. He nailed his shot and looked up at me over the table, matching my smirk. "Would you like to place a bet on the game?"

"I guess I am 300 dollars richer." I reached into my pocket and was about to pull out some money when he stopped me.

"Oh no. Not money. If I win you have to," He trailed off thinking. "I will decide when I've won." He says cockily. I roll my eyes at him.

"Okay, sure and when I win you'll do my homework in Economics and buy my lunch for a whole week."  I said stomping over until I was face to face with him.

"Deal." He stuck his hand out and I reached out to shake it but when I did he pulled me into a kiss. He wrapped his arms around me and I melted into his embrace.

He pulled away too soon. I grumbled when he did. "We have a game to finish." He gestured to the pool table.

We spent the next 30 minutes calculating our shots and talking shit to each other about who is going to win.

At the end, Theo won. I accepted my defeat with pout. Theo just laughed and kissed me on the cheek. "Don't worry. It wont be so bad, being my servant for a week. I'll go easy on you. I promise."

We stepped outside and the cold air surrounded us again. I pulled his coat closer to me. We still had to ride the motorcycle back. He was going to be cold in his shorts and t shirt.

I slipped out of the coat and handed it to him. "No, keep it."

"But you'll get cold." He shakes his head no and continues to walk to his motorcycle. He hands me the helmet and I put it on. We get on and the engines revs to life.

When we make it to his house he parks the bike in the garage. Handing him his helmet- I head back in the house. Gina and Will are discussing things in the kitchen when we walk in. They immediately stop talking and look up at us- specifically me.

Theodore |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now