
Janaan was sitting and waiting for the other two to join her for their lunch break, tapping her slender fingers on the table her eyes were running towards the entrance again and again while there was a thin layer of sweat on her forehead and she was continuously biting the corner of her lower lips.

"Thank God!" she heard herself sigh as she saw the two of them emerge from the crowd with a silly grin on their face. "What happened?" she whispered as Mohib and Daniyah took their place, one beside her and one across her.

"Mohib lost the bet and he is going to do whatever I ask him to," Daniyah smirked as she waved her phone in front of Janaan.

"You got it! I was scared!" Janaan jumped out of relief.

"I told you I will and just few words of apology and you have Ms. Haider forgiving you." she shrugged as she sipped on Janaan's coke.

"I thought she would watch the video and we are all gone."

"Baby there is something as pass code and I used my grades against her." she smirked as she passed Mohib two hundred rupees and asked him to get their lunch.

"So what is poor Mohib doing?" Janaan grinned as Mohib stood up but the said words made him stop and look at them, placing both her hands on the table and interlacing her fingers, Daniyah looked at Mohib.

"Back-flip in front of principal's office."

"Oh my God..." and Janaan burst out laughing while Mohib kept Daniyah's money back on the table and sat.

"You are batshit crazy."

"I have been called worse."

"Not happening,"

"Aren't you a chicken?"

"Dare me anything else!"

"I dare you to back flip in front of the principal's office."

"I don't want a termination letter, woman!"


"Come on Mohib! Do it we are already in last days of school," Janaan wickedly said while Daniyah kept smirking.

"If my dad found this out and my future children are at risk I swear I am going to rip your heart out of your chest." He seethed while the other two laughed at his threats, they knew he would do it, he was dared after all.

"Fine I knew you were a chick--" Daniyah was soon interrupted and she knew it was coming.


"So the plan is," The three of them sat again discussing their strategy.

Next day the three of them reached earlier to school then their usual time, they knew their principal was used to of going to her office before the assembly and then come downstairs and the time she was in her office the corridor was used to be completely deserted, till this everything was in their favor, now the only problem was the CCTV cameras and that's where Janaan comes in, she knew a student who was a good friend with the head of security, apparently the said student got the job for the scary, bulky guy who was abhorred by the students, so now the CCTV cameras were under their control too, at exactly 7:45 a.m Janaan and Daniyah hid themselves with their cameras near the principal's office, at exactly 7:50 the principal came with one of the peon carrying her bags. As they both entered the office with the door wide open.

Daniyah signaled Mohib to come up for the stunt dressed in his usual school uniform he just had an additional dark blue cotton hooded jacket, covering his head with the hood, he waited for the girls to stand firm on the right stair case while he was supposed to leave from the left one as soon as he was signaled again, he rubbed his hand, closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, he ran, jumped and flipped and in a second he was back on his two feet, they heard their principal yell and the girls flew down the stairs while he dashed towards the left and in almost inhuman speed he sped down the left stair case.

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