Finding more emos

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A few weeks later were now in October and we were outside in the park "I think we should find some people that is the same as us" I said as Stella thought of a idea "maybe we can look around like going to the swings" Stella pointed out to the swings and in the distance we can see a couple of people just sitting on the swings "maybe we can go over to them and ask them if they're EMO or not?" I questioned as Stella nods her head "yeah" she said grabbing my hand and we walked towards to the swings
"You ask first" I said hiding behind Stella "ok" she said. When we stopped at the swings Stella asked those people who they are and asking if they're EMO or not, they didn't mind asking them which was a relieve however there was only 3 of them. There were two boys and a girl, we kindly asked them what their names and ages were and we asked them if they wanted to join us so we can have a small group. The 3 of them thought I was cute because I was small "what are your names?" I asked shyly "well my name is Ashley" Ashley said giving me and Stella a handshake "what are your names" Stella asked the boys. The boy with the beanie spoke first "I'm Kyle" he said giving us a high five "cool what's your name?" I asked the other boy with a scar on his eye "I'm scar you cheeky bitch" he said "AH NO DON'T BE RUDE, I'm so sorry about that" Ashley said feeling embarrassed "what's wrong with him?" Stella asked "that's my 17 year old brother he has bipolar so try not to get to his anger side" Ashley said "ok" Stella said while she sparked a cigarette "how old are you and Kyle" I asked "I'm 19 and Kyle is 18" Ashley said as I nodded "ok I'm 16 and Stella is 17" I said "what's your name" Ashley asked "my name is holly but I go by the name as raven" I said smirking "that's my favourite animal" Ashley said while she opened a can of monster "don't show Stella that" I said "why not" Kyle asked while looking down on the floor "because she loves drinking that stuff and she goes fucking hyper" I said flipping my black and red bangs out of my face "you wouldn't wanna see her hyper it takes her god knows how long for her to calm down especially when you make her laugh" I said "oh yeah that was funny" Stella said "remember that incident with the bowling ball at the ally" I said trying not to laugh "oh yeah how I chucked it in the air and it went through the roof" she said while inhaling the nicotine "yeah" I said

1 hour later me and Stella invited the EMOS to our house for a bit of fun "I'm so bored" Ashley said while she was spinning the chair around while she was sitting on the seat and singing at the same time "you spin me right round baby right round" she said, when Ashley stood up she fell and hit her face on the table and we laughed as Ashley joined in "wanna play guitar hero" I asked "yeah" Ashley said as we setted up. While we were playing my phone was ringing "sorry hold on a sec" I said, when I answered the phone it was one of the kids from my old school "oh piss off bitch" I said to the bully "what's up lol" Stella asked "one of the bullies from my old school" I said "can we do something else" I said "yeah" Ashley said as she walked to the DVDs "movie night" we said at the same time "or Russian roulette with Doritos" I suggested to our little clegue "yes" Kyle said "ok but where are the Doritos?" I said while I searched in the kitchen "I ate them" Stella said giving me a fright "lol" I said "we need to go to the shops" I said "why?" Ashley said while giving me a smirk "because Stella eaten the Doritos" I said "ok what one?" Scar demanded "Asda" I said "YAY SHOPPING TRIP" Ashley said "why be so excited about shopping" I questioned "because she likes to mess around especially with the tampons" Kyle said "no I don't" Ashley said "ok calm down Ashley keep your hair on and scar, don't be a moody ass" I said walking out the door as we got in the car "this is going to be embarrassing" Kyle said while shaking his head "I want you to behave lol but I guess we can mess around for a few hours" I said. Stella wanted a McDonald's so we went to McDonald's for dinner and Stella was eating a malteaser mcflurry, so what I done is while I was driving we were near the traffic lights and as soon as the lights changed to red I put my foot down on the brakes and as Stella put the spoon in her mouth I slammed on the brakes at the same time and she gagged on the spoon and all of us were laughing "RAVEN OH MY GOD" Stella said As she giggled and as we arrived at the shops Ashley went wild for some reason "TAMPONS" she said "dude you so hyper calm down" I said
While Ashley was going crazy the rest of us got the Doritos and then as we went to leave, Ashley accidentally set the fire alarm and we legged it all the way back home and we did the Russian roulette with the Doritos. 30 minutes later we had to go to the doctors because Kyle climbed up a tree and broke his hand so we got rushed in and luckily it was only a sprain "that was lucky" Kyle said as we went back home. we also had a sleepover and all of us had a pillow fight, as we were having a pillow fight Ashley fell off the bed while she was trying to hit her brother. but he was having enough of it so he grabbed a pillow and whacked his sister on the face and she went flying across the room "shit" scar said while he was feeling embarrassed

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