The start of friendship

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A few hours later we got changed and got ready to go out "I never been to bowling in years" Stella said "when was the last time you been" I asked while I was taking a selfie of myself by using the bathroom mirror "when I was little lol" she said "let me guess years ago" I said getting excited, I got so excited I dropped my phone on the floor "whoops butterfingers" I said. While I bent down to get my phone, Stella sat on my back "AH oh my god" and then we had a laughing fit for 10 minutes, I managed to pick my phone up and checked it to see if there was any damage luckily there wasn't "well that was lucky" I said switching my phone on and off "what was" Stella said while she was acting funny until she slipped and I caught her before she landed on the floor "my phone isn't broken" I said trying not to giggle

After we had a bit of a joke we got our jackets on and left the house "sweet jacket lol" Stella said "yeah look on my hood" I said when I put my hood up Stella seen the two points on each end of the hood "cool isn't it" I said "yeah lol" she said. However we needed a taxi so it will save us from walking "yo we need a taxi" Stella said "oh I got it TAXI" I shouted but it didn't work "omfg that always works" I said as I given up. While we were walking I was facing the floor because it was autumn time and the leaves were getting in my face and what I didn't thought was coming Stella shouted something "TREE" she said "ha ha nice try" I said until I walked into a tree "told ya" she said while she was laughing her head off and rolling on the floor trying to stop giggling "that was sore" I said "yeah but guess what" Stella said standing up "what" I said smiling "new specsavers advert" she said making me laugh "oh my god I will never forget that" I said helping Stella getting up and we ran all the way to the bowling ally.

We finally got there "I am freezing my hair off" I said "yeah but I bet your hair is warm as fire" Stella said making me laugh as I was trying not to, it was really funny but this is a new try not to laugh challenge EMO version "I think we should be soul mates or either blood sisters" i said trying not to smirk until stella had a idea "i got a idea" she said "and what will that be" i said "we should have a blood oath" stella said "yeah i think we should" i said "yeah but we will do it later" she said as I nodded "we will make the best of it but let's just have fun" I said smirking "let's go" she said as we ran to the reception so we can book a lane "I wanna go on Britains got talent" I said until Stella had a idea "yeah we should" she said.

After we booked our lane we went ahead and played a few games "I just got a strike lol" I said "ok let's see if I can get the same" Stella said, when Stella went to throw the ball she threw it up in the air and it accidentally went through the ceiling "oh shit Stella" I said as Stella grabbed my hand and then we both ran outside and went back home "oh my god I didn't know you had the strength to throw a heavy ball like that" I said sounding surprised "yeah lol" Stella said while she sparked a cigarette "wanna watch a horror movie at the cinema?" I asked "yeah" Stella said jumping in the air "lets go" I said. 30 minutes later we arrived at the cinema and we bought tickets to see a horror movie, so we both went into our seats to watch chuckie "have you seen this movie" I said "yeah have you" she said "no I always wanted to see something like this" I said while I waved my hands in the air "make sure you don't shit yourself" I bursted out laughing and I couldn't stop within 5 minutes those words were going round and round in my head "YOU SPIN ME RIGHT ROUND BABY RIGHT ROUND LIKE A RECORD BABY ROUND ROUND ROUND ROUND" I shouted out and I made Stella laugh as well and we got kicked out just 10 minutes into the movie "hey it wasn't our fault" I said "let's just go home lol" Stella said "ok" I said while we ran back home

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