I suddenly realised I was drowning my poor waffle in maple syrup. I closed the cap and shoved it into the fridge, pouring the extra maple syrup from my waffle into the sink.

"Mom....how do you shift?" I asked.

"Well, you pretty much just think about being wolf. But, i can happen unexpectedly when you are angry or jealous, or seeking doinence. That's what we have to be careful of.....not to expose ourselves." she replied.

"Does it hurt?!"

"No, you just start to feel angry...."

"Does the mating bond effect me somehow phisically?" I ask.

"Well, it improves your smell and hearing, and it also improves your predicting the future....For example when someone knocks on the door I always know who it is." she answered.

I gasped. That's so cool!! "Kay, thanks for the info, mom!" I shouted over my shoulder as I ran upstairs.

I grabbed my phone and texted Justin.

Justin u never told me i could shift wen we complete te bond!!!

He texted me back saying:

Oooh eager now r we?

I rolled my eyes and turned my phone off. That was humiliating. I should have rephrased it to something more casual. I checked my clock. DAMN!! I'M GOING TO BE LATE!! I grabbed y bag and rushed through the door.

*           *           *

At school, busses were cancelled so their were a lot of students absent. Others were just ditching because there was an excuse not to go to school, and pretend they take the bus.

I bumped into Justin. "Hey handsome!" I said cheerfully. "What's new?"

"Nothing, just heading to homeroom with my mate." he replied casually. I stopped in my tracks. What does he mean? HE HAS SOMEONE ELSE?!?!?!?!

Then I realised he meant me. I'm so stupid. I just smiled and kept walking. "Yeah, same." I said casually.

I stepped into the class and gasped. IT WAS EMPTY. Well, except for Mr.Robertson sitting at his desk, glaring at all of the empty seats.

"I feel like such a nerd." I whispered to Justin. "We're the only two people not ditching in homeroom today!"

Justin nodded and took a seat at the front of the room. I stared at him. The worst seat? He seemed to read my mind.

"It doesn't matter anyway." He said. "It's not like we can hide ourselves and quitetly snooze off today."

Mr.Robertson glared at him for the last comment, and then lowered his gaze. I sat down next to Justin and stared at Mr.Robertson expectedly. He just stared back.

"What happened to my class?" He asked. As if we knew. I just shrugged. He started to write on the board and I took notes

When the school day was finsihed, I was about to walk to the sidewalk where I start walking home when Justin grabbed my arm.

"I'll give you a ride." he insisted. I nodded my head and stepped into his challenger. I gave him the directions to my house, but at a certain intersection he turned right instead of left.

"Justin, I said left!" I yelled.

"We're not going to your house." he growled.


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