I happen walk over to a doorway that leads me to a darkened hallway. There weren't any doors except one all the way down at the end. The paintings on the walls were about a foot away from each other, up and down the hallway. It felt like I was being watched. And the paintings weren't helping whatsoever, considering that they were really creepy paintings of older men and women. It seemed as though they were all staring into my soul.

I reach the door at the end of the hall and I open it just a crack and peek through. Not seeing anything, I shine my light into the darkness to reveal that it was the basement. Oh lovely. Just what I wanted, to go down into the spooky basement to die. Just like every horror movie ever, I decide to go take a look. Time to get murdered.

Finding the light for the basement, I turned it on and started to make my way down. The stairs creaked with every step I took, not helping me try to sneak and see what was down here. The killer would hear these steps from a mile away. Even with the light, it was still really dark down here. It was furnished quite well though, a lot nicer than I had imagined. It was like an extra bedroom. 

I was about to go back up the stairs, when my foot hit something, and I look down startled. It looked like a cell phone. A really beat up one at that. Bending down, I pick it up and examine it. It might be Brendons phone. If it was, what is it doing down here? And why did it look like he smashed it? Pushing the thought aside, I put it in my pocket and hurry upstairs.

"Hannah!" Ryan yells from somewhere in the house. My heartbeat quickened. Did Sarah have him? I hurry to where his voice was coming from, ready to throw a few punches in case things went downhill. "Hannah!" He yells again. Its coming from the second floor.

"What's going on?" As soon as I find him, Ryan was standing in the doorway of what I'm assuming was one of the upstairs bedrooms. He's looking from me to inside the room, fear and confusion in his eyes. Please tell me nothing happened to Brendon if he's in there.

Slowly walking over to him to pear into the room, I freeze once I see a younger girl in there. She was tied to a bedpost, fear written all over her face. She had long silky black hair and was fairly skinny. The dark shorts and tank top she was wearing looked old and tattered as if she'd been here awhile. She looked to be about twenty years old. Her entire body was shaking as she was trying to get as far away from us as possible. "Who's this?" I quickly look from the girl, over to Ryan.

"She wouldn't say." Ryan looks over at her and she tenses up. "She won't speak at all."

"Are you okay?" I look back over at her. "What's your name?" Walking over to her, she struggles to get away from me and I see a tear roll down her cheek. As I get a closer look at her, I notice that she has bruises and cuts over her entire body. There was a discoloration around one of her eyes, and blood trickling out of her nose and mouth, as if this trauma happened recently. "Who did this to you?" I give the girl a puzzled look and she just shakes her head, afraid to answer. And honestly I didn't blame her.

"Hannah," I turn my head to face Ryan. "We've checked the whole house. I don't think they're here. We need to go. Now." He turns to leave.

"We can't just leave the poor girl here!" I stand up and stare him down as he walks through the doorway and out of sight.

"Please..." I turn back to the girl and she tries to desperately move closer to me, though unable to move more than an inch. "Take me with you. Before they come back. If they come back." She pleads. I smile faintly at her and bend down to untie the rope around her wrist, bonding her in place.

"Hannah!" Ryan magically appears back inside the room and grabs my arm to pull me back. "She could be working for Sarah for all we know. I don't trust her."

I look from Ryan to the girl. Do I go with my girl instinct to help her, or my brother who has a valid point?

"I do. And I'm willing to risk it." I pull out of his grasp and turn away from him to get the rope undone. The girl smiles at me and tries to stand, I place my arm around her waist in an attempt to keep her upright. Ryan u still groans at my actions and disappears out of sight once more.

We are finally able to make it outside, with only a few stumbles here and there. I wonder how long she was tied up for. Was she a prisoner, kidnapped just like Brendon?

Once we all got into the car, after awhile I could barely make out that the girl had said something. Her voice was so soft that it was as if she were afraid to speak. I turn around in the passenger seat to face her.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" I asked her. Her eyes slightly lit up when I had acknowledged she'd spoken.

"Genevieve. My name is Genevieve. But just call me Eve." She looked out the window. "Thank you. For saving me. I really appreciate it."

"Of course. And it's nice to meet you Eve." She half smiles at me and I turn back around in the seat. "Ryan, why don't we stop and rest somewhere? Maybe we can ask her a few questions in the morning."

"Sounds good." Ryan yawns. Today was a long day, and I just hope that the search will be over soon.

Far Too Young To Die {Book One}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora