Chapter 20

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"Wait, you what?" Brendon looks at me, eyes filled with horror. "You can't do that. She hates me!" He tries to get up from the couch, but closes his eyes and slowly lies back down.

I knelt down next to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Brendon. I know how happy she was around you. And I know how happy you were around her." As much as it pained me to say that, its true. She's all he would ever talk about. It was obvious. "Brendon, this is hurting you. I can't stand to see you like this anymore. She makes you happy. And she said she wanted a break. So maybe she wants that break to be over now, but she doesn't know how to approach you." Brendon's eyes remained closed, but he manages to show a smile.

"Hannah, can I talk to you." Ryan grabs my attention away from Brendon.

"Yeah, sure." Ryan walks a little ways into the kitchen, looking back into the other room to make sure Brendon wasn't paying attention. "Are you sure this is a good idea? From what you told me, Sarah seemed pretty pissed off. How are you so sure she's going to want to come back?" His eyes furrowed down as if he were actually worried for Brendon. Something that he hasn't done since they were friends.

"Its worth a shot." Taking a glance over at Brendon who was leaning over the couch ready to empty part of his stomach into a bucket that Ryan found for him, I felt as though this was the right thing to do. I couldn't bare to see him like this anymore.

I went to walk away from Ryan but he grabbed my arm, stopping me in my tracks. "And what happens if Sarah doesn't want anything to do with him anymore? What if she's already moved on?" And here it is. Ryan trying to be the bigger man and not wanting to interfere with anything. He may not be friends with Brendon anymore, but I still am. And I'm not going to just leave him like this. Not without at least trying to do something for him.

"Then I'll tell him." I yank my arm away from his grasp. "He at least deserves to know."

Walking back into the living room, I quickly grab my keys and head out the door. Ryan watches me as I start up my car and back out of the driveway, obviously unhappy about having to stay and make sure Brendon is okay.

Now I guess calling Sarah was the easier option in this situation. But there were the flaws. First being, I don't have her number. The only one who does would be Brendon. And I doubt that she would pick up from his phone. And second, being that if she was still upset with Brendon, she wouldn't have anything to do with him. So I feel if I were the one to talk to her, maybe she'd change her mind? Then again, I think she's more upset with me than anything.

After about a half an hour drive passed (with the help of a GPS on my phone because I've only been to her apartment once. And that was for a party she was throwing for some occasion that I can't remember), I finally arrive at Sarah's apartment building. She's been living with Brendon, but wanted to keep her apartment for a family member whom didnt have a place to stay. And well, she moved back in with them for these two weeks.

The building was prettier than I remember. Then again, at the time I was more focused on Brendon than anything else. The inside was well kept, and bright and inviting.

"Can I help you miss?" The receptionist caught my attention. That's weird. A receptionist for an apartment building? I dont think I noticed one last time. Then again it was awhile ago and I've only been here one other time. And again...more focused on Brendon.

"Oh. Yes. I'm here to visit a friend." She continues to look at me, not doing anything. Like she expecting me to continue talking. A few moments past when I realized that thats exactly what she was doing. I forgot to say who I was visiting. "Uh, Sarah Orzechowski."

The woman smiles at me and starts typing away at her computer. "Sarah never told me she was expecting anyone." Once she looked back at me, she smiled once more. "I'm joking. Her room is number 12. Its on the second floor."

"Thank you." I smile back at her (I felt obligated, since thats all she seemed to be doing) and find the stairwell, making my way up to the second floor. The hallways in this place were just as nice as the lobby. Paintings hung along the walls. There was some fancy wallpaper like you'd see in a movie. I almost past Sarah's apartment, I was so intrigued by my surroundings. I knock on the door once I mustered enough courage, expecting the worst.

"Hello." Sarah opened the door after a few moments and her normal smile slowly faded into anger once she realized it was me standing there. "What the hell do you want?" Her voice was bitter. I expected nothing less.

"Sarah, I wanted to apologize for all the trouble I've caused for you and Brendon." I came here not knowing what to say. So that was the first thing that came to mind. My mission was to convince her to at least talk to Brendon once more.

"Forget it. I don't want anything to do with you or Brendon." She goes to shut the door, but I put my hand out to stop it. She was really start in to piss me off.

"Well you're gonna have to. Because I know how much Brendon means to you. And I'm sorry to say that he's my friend, and I'm not going anywhere." Sarah just rolls her eyes and goes to shut the door again, but I stop her. "Sarah, he started drinking heavily once you left, he trashed the house, and he thinks that he's gonna die because you're no longer in his life. Do you really want him to go through all of that? Because of you?" Her eyes softened slightly, but there was still anger within them.

"Why should I believe you?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Because I'm one of Brendons friends. And I hate to see him go through something like this because of someone he loves. And he's gone through enough already." She still doesn't seem convinced. "Please? At least let him explain what this felt like to him?"

"He loves me?" Sarah smirked and raised an eyebrow. "And not a you?" Her tone was getting a little bitchy. But I had to go along with it if I wanted her to talk go him.

"Yes. That's exactly what I mean." I reply, trying to sound sarcastic. But it seemed as though she bough what I was selling to her.

"Fine. I was gonna be by his house in a few days to pick up a few things anyway. I'll stop by." She then closes the door behind her and finally let out a sigh in relief. This was a little more difficult than I thought it'd be.

I just hope Brendon is happy with me about this.

Far Too Young To Die {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now