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Chapter Seventeen:

Getting into the facility they were keeping Three was the hard part. It was very big, and patrolled by the wolf men. In order to keep their eyes and noses away from the assassins,  Tony whipped up something in his lab that repel dogs, and at the same time would allow them to blend in with nature. He kept it in vials, but told them to keep the cork off until they got inside.

Luckily, with their stealth, Captian America, the Winter Soldier, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and the Scarlet Witch were allowed to slip inside, and took out two wolf men that guarded the door. Black Widow shot him with the dart that was coated in Three's reengineered blood. If Bruce's calculations were correct, they would be fully human in about an half hour.

Now, it was the even harder part: hiding in plain sight.

They had taken Felicity's advice, and wore lab coats that were drenched in rubbing alcohol and sun blown and dried. As soon as they stepped inside, They slipped their coats on and kept their heads down. With the help of the Scarlet Witch's magic, they were able to distort what the people who walked past them saw. Their was a slight flaw in this part,  however. The Scarlet Witch would not be able to influence cameras or high-technology computers. That was what was they were counting on Ferry to do.

Ferry, Tony, Vision, Sam, and Bruce, we're all staying back in a hidden jet twenty miles from the sight, but if something happened, they could be there in less than three minutes. Ferry was working with Tony and Bruce to hack into their security systems, sporadically turning them on and off whenever. Whenever their spies passed through one of the rooms with a camera, three camera would turn off, one being the one they were in, and two being other random camera. And it would just be for five seconds, before moving to the next corner with a camera as so on. It was tricky work, and without any ear pieces to keep them connected, they were a bit disadvantaged communication-wise. 

Now, the next phase of their plan, the even harder part: Get to Three. Based on Ferry's calculations she was at about a seven-minute walk from where they entered to the room and the dull, inconspicuous speed they would have to use. They would have to stay silent and look for Three during this time.

They made it their entrance to the room where they supposedly held the experiments in in less than five minutes. The door was key-card accessible, and Ferry hacked into it in mere seconds. The two wolf men guarding the door looked at it, confused, before Widow shot them too, and they fell to the ground easily.

The team ran inside, the Scarlet Witch and Hawkeye taking the place of the guards. Ferry fed the cameras pointing to the door a repeated feed to keep anyone from thinking they were there, and continued to mess with the other ones, as if nothing was happening.

The Winter Soldier, Black Widow and Captain America looked around the room. There were rows of dog cages stacked on top of one another like crates, some with things inside them.

Some of the things inside the crates were just malformed animals with smaller human forms. Others, where like Frankenstein's monster, with arms and legs in wrong places. Some even had their inner organs displayed for all to see.

The three exchanged looks and began to look around, searching for Three, or anyone who looked alive for that matter. They walked through rows of children, some of them reaching out to the trio, begging for them to kill them. Others, shivered away. They recognize their white coat or indistinguishable scent. White coat meant danger, and danger meant they hurt.

They finally got to a row with a child that did not have eyes, like a reverse-cyclops, and had the shape of a horse's body. They were sleeping, judging by its breathing pattern,  and didn't seem to look like they were in pain. Captain America sighed, it was a sad sight, to see someone so young in a place like this. To grow up in literal hell, and be tortured everyday of your life until your death.

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