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Chapter Six:

The next two weeks had been fun for the Avengers in the tower. When they weren't working, or going on missions, they were watching movies or playing games with Three, who seemed to slowly become more and more open with them. Although she had been smiling and expressing herself more — especially after Bucky bought her clothes and that stuffed toy — and had warmed up to nearly all of them.

She didn't like being touched, but she hasn't been flinching away from them if they accidentally made contact with her. The only person she willingly touched was Bucky, but then again, she practically never left his side as well. Actually, if there were two things she didn't leave the room without, it was Bucky and the lion he gave her, which was named... Lion.

They were sure she called it something else, but since she hadn't exactly said what it was, they all just deemed the toy the title of Lion.

Lion was always by her side, Three dragged it with her everywhere. Tony began to complain about it, saying that she was nearly eight years old and shouldn't be doing that, but was quickly silenced when she began to tear up — nearly throwing a full tantrum — as he attempted to take the stuffed animal away.

Therefore, Lion was there to stay.

Three sat at the table, swinging her legs off the end of the chair she sat in. Natasha had given her several blank printer papers and a box of crayons to keep her entertained. Lion sat perched on beside her, his beady black eyes staring into directly at the girl, who, of course, didn't mind one bit.

She heard someone walk into the room and she looked over, to see Bucky walk into the room. Three waved at him, "Hey, kid, what'cha doing?" She pointed to the drawing. He glanced over her shoulder, squinting his eyes at the drawing. There were nine stick figures, what resembled the nine of them, Steve, Tony, Natasha, Clint, Vision, Wanda, Bruce, Three, and himself. On the ground of the smallest one — which he assumed was Three — was a yellow cat, which he also assumed was Lion, but instead of being small, it was full sized, it's head reaching near her shoulders.

"That's pretty good, kid," Bucky praised, and she gave a silent giggle, continuing to color the picture. Bucky gave a small smile down at the girl. She has made so much progress over the time span of a few weeks, it made him proud. "Who's that?" Bucky asked, pointing to Lion, although he knew exactly who it was. She gave him an annoyed look, showing him Lion.

"Oh, that's Lion? Hmm, I think he needs more fur." Three rolled her chestnut eyes, going back to her drawing, as he sat and watched. She glanced at him a few times, before giving him a sheet of paper and a handful of crayons, dropping it on top.

"What's this for?" Three let out a soundless sigh, scribbling something on the top of the page. After she moved her hand away, he squinted at the letters, deciphering what she had written. "'Bukes Papr'," he couldn't help but chuckle at her writing, "Man, we have got to work on your spelling, kid." She huffed, going back to her drawing.

He smirked, picking up a crayon, and beginning to draw as well, leaving the two in a comfortable silence.

After they finished their drawings, they showed each other. Three had finished coloring in her original one, and Bucky's a... Strange stick-figure one of her, Steve, and himself. If Three spoke, she would have been howling with laughter, but instead, she was left with silent giggles. "What!? Don't laugh, I think it looks really good," he pouted playfully, and she shook her head, promptly telling him no, it did not.

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