"So... what happens when we don't come back with 'Sheb?' Certainly in an environment like that they'd kill us." Anakin noted.

"That's when you tell them he was already dead when you got there." Master Windu said. "Because on record in 8 hours, he will be dead."

"Well then." Anakin said. "You seem to have gotten a lot of this figured out."

Obi-Wan rolled his eyes. "This is the Jedi council. Not some senate meeting."

The council chuckled in agreement. The senate was doing the best they could, but the republic was running out of options.

"Well, gather your things." Ki-Adi-Mundi said. "This is going to be a dangerous mission."

"I've got everything I own." Anakin held up his light saber.

"Oh, no. You're not Jedi. You won't be taking that with you." Ki-Adi chuckled. "Yoda, I suppose you should introduce them to their wardrobe for the next year."

"Year?" Anakin said.

"Possibly longer." Yoda sighed. "Until under control, this matter will be."

"I..." I faltered and then glanced at Anakin. A whole year, secluded and alone on a gang planet on a dangerous undercover mission with Anakin...

"Concludes the briefing, this does." Yoda said, with sadness in his eyes. "For the best, I hope." The holograms flickered off, revealing the only 2 Jedi left in the room were Yoda and Shaka Ti. What a busy wartime this was... "Follow me." Yoda said. He lead us out of the chamber and into a closet of some kind.

Shaak Ti followed us also. I was wary of all of Anakin movements. Even the flick of his eye. Possibly it was because I knew him well, or possibly it was because of my fear, and knowing I'd have to trust this reckless boy or lose my life.

Yoda showed us all we would need, and told us to leave the rest in our chambers. We had a combat suit with big pockets and different places in the clothes to hide things in. It also came with hidden armor in certain places. With all this, fighting one of those gang members would never be fair. Yoda handed us a backpack stocked with credits, blasters, explosives, and food. Anakin had some droid parts in his as well, and I had computer spikes.

"So... we can't take our lightsabers?" I sighed. The blaster felt uneven in my hands.

"couldn't we just hide it? We wouldn't use it." Anakin added.

"No," Yoda said. "If somebody discovers, in deep trouble, you will be."

"I can take on a whole fleet of separatists and general grievous." Anakin said. "A whole planet of apes won't bother me- especially with Y/N here."

"Well, I dot know about that, Ani..." I said cautiously. "Keep your pride in check."

He looked at me bluntly. "Do you think you're my master or something?"

"No, but I'm the senior here. I've gone on a lot more missions than you, and made it out with all my limbs." I said.

"Listen to her, Skywalker." Shaak Ti spoke up. "She's the General here."

"So when we need reinforcements," I said. "How many will be coming?"

"2 legions. And able to carry your lightsabers, you will be." Yoda said.

"That sounds great..." i said, observing the blaster.

"You should be prepared. You'll get in many fights. Just gather as much information about the gang as possible. Once you start doing crazy feats and volunteering for dangerous missions, you'll be trusted more, and that means more information. If any missions will be targeting the republic, make sure to transmit the details so we can have clones on the ready." Shaak Ti said. "I've been selected as mission aid. I'll be your emergency call, but if something happens you can't depend on it. It will take us time to gather enough troops and Jedi, and longer for them to arrive."

"Yes, ma'am." I nodded.

"Go change now," Yoda said. "Be ready to leave, you should be. In 2 hours, the shuttle will arrive. Blaster lessons, you will be receiving from Captain Rex."

"Good..." Anakin said. "This thing is so... clunky and clumsy and unreliable."

"Yeah, agreed." I sighed, annoyed.

"Carry these weapons, only scum do." Yoda sighed. "A lightsabers, swift, cunning, elegant. A sign of intelligence, the weapon of the Jedi is."

Anakin nodded. "I'm going to get ready now, if you'll excuse me. I need as much practice with this nerf-herding Bantha fodder as possible..."

"Departure time is 2 pm," Shaak Ti smiled. "Be ready."

Anakin and I walked together to our rooms, which were fairly close together. The entire way, we talked about the dangers of this mission. {btw! This might not sound dangerous and it might sound boring but just wait! This is going to be a story similar to KNIGHTS OF THE REPUBLIC! Just hang in here}

"They're gangs. Only scum are in them." I said. "Cheats, gamblers, drunks, bounty hunters, crime lords, thieves."

"And not to mention," Laughed Anakin. "How there is no freedom. We can't speak badly about the gang or the leaders."

"From now on," I sighed. "We're gang members."

I then slipped inside my doorway and Anakin went into his, and we shut our doors and changed clothes and fit all kinds of deadly contraptions in our clothes. My pockets were stuffed with darts, detonators, first aid kits, a knife, about 4 blasters, mines, and computer spikes.

I put my lightsaber on my shelf, and smoothed by tunic out, leaving it folded at the foot of my bed- which was a mat.

I exited my Chamber to find Anakin leaving for the blaster training with Captain Rex.

"Leaving with out me?" I teased. "I thought you were taught to never leave a man behind."

"I wasn't sure if you were wanting to come," Anakin sighed. "I thought you hated me."

"Hated you?" I asked.

This wasn't really meant to be a cliff hanger but I realized this chapter had gotten like really long.

I'm updating this once a day or every other day. I don't know yet. I hope you're enjoying. I know this is a slow book at first, but stay tuned!

There's Secrets... -Anakin Skywalker x Reader-Where stories live. Discover now