I Will Kill You - (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Hyolyn suddenly come near them out of nowhere, she drag the chair and sit next to Suho. She is holding a gun and point it on Suho head.
Hyolyn: let's play a game shall we, inside this gun have 5 bullets I will remove 4 bullets and left one inside here. If you don't sign the divorce paper I will pull the trigger and if you lucky enough you still be alive and if not the bullet will burst your brain out from your skull. Fun isn't it?! Hahahaha..!!!
Suho: you crazy!!!
Hyolyn: if you still alive and insist not signing the paper I will change the game rule, I will point this gun to her belly, just so you know the bullets will kill the baby. You play hard with me I will play smart with you. GAME ON!

Hyolyn removed the 4 bullets and left only one inside the gun, she pull the trigger and point it on Suho head. Suho heart beat pounding very fast, he look at Chorong who is nonstop crying try to calm her down.
Suho: honey don't cry please everything will be fine, trust me.
Hyolyn: (slap Suho face) shut up and start play the game! You know that I start falling in love with you when i saw you play the basketball back in high school you look charming and make my heart melt. So, sign the divorce paper please love..
Suho: No!
Hyolyn: (release the trigger) hahahaha..!!! Lucky! Okay, next try..
Suho: Damn you Hyolyn!
Hyolyn: what? Are you scared? Hahaha..okay, why you never give me a chance to love you? Not even once..Why? Even before that b**** become your girlfriend, why?! Sign the paper!
Suho: I fall in love with my wife during our first year in school, since that moment I never love other girls the way I love her. No matter what you've done to us in the past and present my love and my heart only for her, not you and not other girls. No! I won't sign the divorce paper.
Hyolyn: (release the trigger for the 2nd time) wow! You such a lucky guy my dear! Okay now the last chance for you to change your mind.
Suho: arghhhh..!!! Let us go!!!
Chorong: Hyolyn stop it! You gonna kill him! Please don't!
Hyolyn: shut up b****! Wait for your turn. Let's say I kill that b**** and your baby will you consider marrying me? You must be lonely and nobody will love and care about you anymore, will you? Sign the paper please..(kiss Suho on the lips but he rejected it quickly).
Suho: I won't let that happen to her and our baby because I will protect both of them even it takes me to sacrifice myself. I will not change my mind and I will never give my signature, understand!
Hyolyn: (pull the trigger for the 3rd time) damn!!! Why is it so hard to kill you!
Suho: arghhh..! Shit!!! (Heavy breathing) Take off this rope let us go now!
Hyolyn: hahaha.. I almost forgot still got 2 more chance and I'll pass it to that b**** and of course the 4th or 5th trigger can kill her and the baby. Goshh.. I'm so happy!!!
Suho: don't you think about that!!! Don't do that to her, point the gun on me not her!
Hyolyn: the game rule is changing and there's no turning back. I give you 2 more chance to sign the paper if not say goodbye to your loving wife and baby hahaha..remember play smart not play hard.
Chorong: honey..help me..(cry)
Suho: don't do it please..
Hyolyn: shut up Suho! You got your turn and now is her turn. Just sit down, relax and enjoy the show okay dear hahaha..
Suho: wife..look at me, just look at me. Hold on for me please..please..(tears form in the corner of his eyes)
Chorong: (crying) husband..(crying)
Hyolyn: enough love birds no more drama back to reality. (Point the gun on Chorong belly) well b**** your job is simple ask your husband to sign the paper if not I will blow up the baby!
Chorong: please don't involve our baby in this situation he is not guilty, please Hyolyn (cry).

Walk near Chorong and point the gun on her head, she whisper something to her..
Hyolyn: do it or I will kill your baby. Now..
Chorong: husband..sign the paper please, just sign it.
Suho: No! I won't do it, NEVER!
Chorong: she will kill me and the baby, just sign it please..
Suho: don't ask me to do such thing, please don't force me wife cause you know I won't do it..i just can't...I love you so much.
Chorong: I love you too but we don't have a choice, sign it please..
Suho: (shake his head)
Hyolyn: times up!

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