Yes, I Do

866 38 2

*cont from the last chapter..

Naeun: guys..I think i know..
Suho: you know? Where?
Naeun: rong unnie go to Canada.
Suho: why she go there?
Naeun: I remember last time when we still live in London unnie said she still keep in touch with her childhood best friend, if I'm not mistaken he lives in Canada. Rong unnie said if she is sad or feel down she will always go to him asking for advice but I forgot his name.
Suho: I think I know him..
Naeun: really Suho oppa?
Suho: his name is Changsub, yes he is Chorong best friend. I don't know him in person but I saw him last time during high school. She never talk about him anymore so I guess he still lives in Canada.
Naeun: yes that's the name Changsub oppa! But I'm sorry Suho oppa, rong unnie never told me his home address.
Suho: it's okay not your fault. Why she want to cancel our wedding at the last minute like this? I don't get it.
Chanyeol: let me try what I can do about this hyung, I know Changsub since childhood but we lost contact when he go to Canada.
Suho: thanks hyung, anything give me a call.

Next day..
Chanyeol Office
It was lunch time but Chanyeol decided just stay at his office, the reason is he's been searching for Changsub details like home address or phone number. Chanyeol receiving tons of texts and call from his parents who is worried for Chorong, Chanyeol told them not to feel worried so much.
DO: (knock the door)
Chanyeol: come in..
DO: I brought you lunch since I knew you're not going out. What are you doing?
Chanyeol: thank you hyung. Looking for Changsub details.
DO: I see..get anything yet?
Chanyeol: zero..what are you trying to do noona..(scratching his head).
DO: did you try search his name on facebook?
Chanyeol: you're clever hyung, I never think about that, we can give a try.

After been searching all over finally he found his name on the facebook.
Chanyeol: hyung! I think I found his facebook!
DO: leave a message on his inbox, hopefully he will reply you back.
Chanyeol: done! I hope this facebook account belongs to him and he will reply my message as soon as he see it.

Suho Residence
Suho got back from the bridal shop after having some discussion with the wedding planner. He take a rest on the couch and close his eyes. He misses Chorong and it's been already 2 days since she left him. He still can't think of anything why Chorong suddenly want to cancel the wedding. He continue the wedding preparations even without Chorong, he still got 4 days left before the wedding. While resting his phone ringing and it was unknown number appear on the phone screen, he answering the call.

Phone conversation..
Suho: hello..
Unknown no: hello..can I speak with Suho please?
Suho: this is him, may I know whose on the line?
Unknown no: oh..hai Suho I'm Changsub.

Suho eyes wide open hearing the name, it was unexpected call coming from him.
Changsub: still there?
Suho: (silent)
Changsub: hello..
Suho: uhurmm..(clear his throat) still here..
Changsub: it was International phone call sorry if it's not clear.
Suho: it's okay...
Changsub: you must be wondering from where I got your phone number, right? Well, your friend Chanyeol gave it to. Sorry for the unexpected call but I really want to talk with you. Firstly, do you know me?
Suho: I know you, you are Chorong best friend, right? I saw you once with Chorong during our high school time.
Suho: good..if you know me so we will not be awkward when talking on the phone, I know you from Chorong but we never had the chance to talk and knowing at each other.
Suho: is she there with you now?
Changsub: okay, sound very angry, relax okay we were just best friend and she is like a sister to me. Yes, she's here with me but not too worry because I live with my parents and she is in her room right now. I'm secretly calling you from my room without her knowledge.
Suho: sorry for acting rude to you.
Changsub: hehehe..don't worry no offense. Your wedding in 4 more days, right?
Suho: yes..
Changsub: well, I call you because I want to help you to get her back. Are you willing to do anything to get her back?
Suho: yes! I will do anything to get her back because I love her so much.
Changsub: okay, I trust you words. I will give you my home address and let me know when you want to come here. I will fetch you at the airport and bring you to her.
Suho: really? I don't know what to say, thank you so much.
Changsub: don't thank me yet, arrange you flight and come here as soon as you can. Let me know your flight details so that I can arrange my time to pick you up.
Suho: okay..I will text you the details.

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