The Truth

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Yoon's Residence
Christmas Party
It was Christmas day, they all celebrate at Bomi's house since her parents do an open house. They all come in pairs except Chorong, she joined the others and she somehow feel lonely and wonder where Suho is. She look around the house, she didn't see him, she look at her watch it's already 9pm.
Kai: noona, are you looking for Suho hyung?
Chorong: (nervous) huh?
Kai: oh seems like looking for someone.
Chorong:'s nothing.

They continue their conversation and after 1 hour Suho finally show up and join them.
Suho: sorry guys I'm a bit late got something else to do just now. Merry Christmas!!
All: Merry Christmas!!

He hug the boys and shake hands with the girls, he a bit hesitate when comes to Chorong turn. He shake her hands and hold it tightly, they stared at each other eyes for few seconds before Suho let go of her hands. He go to get some drinks and take a seat with the boys. Chorong felt something different about him, he suddenly changed and act cold to her. She notice it when he can talk comfortable with the others but not with her. She feel confused with his attitude, it was new to her. He act friendly few days ago up until yesterday when they walk together down the aisle and now he act like didn't know her existence. Chorong excuse herself and go to the backyard to get some fresh air. She resting at the hammock and play with her phone. While playing with her phone she heard someone in angry voice talking. She knows who is the person, it was Suho.

Phone conversation
Suho: why you call me? I have no time for all this, stop calling me! I don't want to hear all that I'm sick and tired of all this! Don't make me raise my voice to you, I still respect you as a woman. Whatever you do it won't change my love for her. I love her not you, it was never be you it is always her, she is the one for me not you! Listen to me don't call me anymore, you got that! (Hung up the phone).

He feel angry because of Hyolyn always disturb and calling him for nothing. He kick the grass and throw his phone, he can't control his anger. He take a deep breath to calm himself down. He take back his phone and keep it inside his pocket. When he turn around and walk back in the house he saw Chorong at the side of the house resting at the hammock. Suho didn't see her earlier, he take a bow and go inside the house without saying anything. Chorong bow back and saw him walking away, she feel weird for him. It's like different side of him she never knows, she also feel curious about the phone conversation just now.
Chorong: who make him angry like that? I've never see him like this before, is he okay? He have a girlfriend? Why the girls never told me before this? Why I feel hurt? Why am I jealous? We're not even in a relationship anymore, what happen to you rong-ahh..Why he acting different and weird around me? After all what happened between us all this years I just want to have a good relationship as a friend so that we don't feel awkward with each other but now he seems like avoiding me. What did I do wrong? (Mumble alone).

On the other side Suho joined his friends but just listening to their conversation, he have no mood to talk with them after receiving the phone call just now. Think back the way he act to Chorong make his heart aches and feeling regret doing it.
Suho: I'm sorry rong-ah I didn't mean to act like this in front of you, I have to avoid you in order for me to forget you slowly. It was hard for me to do so because I love you so much. I have to be strong and go through all this by myself.

After Christmas Party
On the way back home Chorong stop by at one shop to buy some groceries. Done with buying all the stuffs she needs she head back to her car, while busy keep the groceries inside the car she saw Suho outside the bar next two blocks of the shop she went before. He sat on the floor and talking alone. She locked her car and go near him, she can smell strong alcohol coming from Suho, he actually drunk and not aware of what happening to him.
Chorong: Suho, is it you? What are doing here? You smell like alcohol, are you drunk?
Suho: who are you? Why do you even care? I don't know you! Go away!
Chorong: you really drunk Suho, do you drive coming here?
Suho: I don't know, why you even care?!
Chorong: aishhh..this boy really annoying.
Suho: what you say?
Chorong nothing..

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