Old Friend

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6 Years Passed...

London, England (2016)
London Review Bookshop
Finished off with morning duty Chorong went to her favorite bookshop, she always go there to buy books or just spend her leisure time there. She grab one book, take a seat at the sofa and start reading. While reading she notice someone stole a glance from the bookshelves not to far from her seat. She try to have a look in case she know the person but that person walk away and went up to 2nd floor. She ignored it and continue reading the book. Spending more than hours she pack her bags, got to the counter and make a payment for the book. She leave the bookshop and went to straight to cafe to buy coffee before she go home.

Wild & Wood Cafe
While waiting for her coffee she check her phone for any text, call or email from work or friends.
Girl: Ms. Park your coffee and red velvet cake here.
Chorong: thank you.

She take her order and leave the coffee shop, she could not open the door because both her hand holding her coffee, cake and phone. While she struggling try to open the door, one guy come and help her.
Chorong: thank you.
Guy: welcome.

Chorong look at his face and saw the guy smiling at her. She feels like she knew this guy before but forgot where or when. The guy extend his right hand to shake her hand.
Guy: hai..
Chorong: (hesitated) sorry my hand full with this (showing her coffee and cake).
Guy: owhh..it's okay. My name is Lee Jin Ki, you're Korean right?
Chorong: yes, I'm Korean. My name is Park Chorong, you can call me Chorong. You name seems familiar to me, ermm..forget about it maybe I've got wrong person.
Guy: of course you know me, we both attended same school.
Chorong: seriously? Which class are you?
Guy: 5C..you from class 5A right?
Chorong: yes..sorry to ask how do i know you?
Guy: (laugh a little) I don't know if you still remember, last time you got cut on you knees and I'm the one who help you to applied the medication into you wound.
Chorong: (recalled back) oh yes I remember you Onew-shi right? If I'm not mistaken I saw you at the bookshop today.
Onew: hehehe..good guess. Yes my name is Onew and please don't be too formal with me, just call me Onew. Yup, that's me at the bookshop just now, sorry for acting weird because I'm about to approach you but I'm not sure if it's you at first.
Chorong: no worries, it's funny though last time you said the same thing to me hehehe..nice to meet you.
Onew: nice to meet you too, I can't believe I meet you again after years and here we are in London not in Korea. If you don't mind can I treat you a cup coffee or something? While we still here at this coffee shop we can talked about our old stories.
Chorong: I already bought mine.
Onew: you keep and eat it at home, you order new drinks, my treat okay?
Chorong: sure..why not, it's not always we going to see old friends in this big city.

They both laugh, Onew open the door and find an empty seat. Onew order drinks for them, Chorong send text to Naeun saying that she will come home late. Onew come with the drinks and cake.
Onew: your drinks and cake. So you working or still study here?
Chorong: working of course, after we graduate I've got an offer here, I further my study and now working full time here.
Onew: where you work?
Chorong: St. Thomas Hospital.
Onew: you're a doctor?
Chorong: yes, I'm a doctor there.
Onew: wow..awesome!
Chorong: how about you? Working? Holiday?
Onew: working under my dad company, family business. I'm on and off travel from Korea, London, Dubai and Usa. Next week I will fly to Dubai for meeting with my dad co-workers.
Chorong: I like to travel but working as a doctor like me got no time for all that. If not busy I will work only 7 hours but if busy can up to 14-20 hours.
Onew: seriously? You must be tired.
Chorong: sometimes but I used to it so I have no problem so far. I still can manage my time go for gym, cooking, movies or shopping.
Onew: you live alone here?
Chorong: I rented a condo nearby my work place with my best friend from high school. She is intern and soon to he doctor at my hospital.
Onew: good to hear that at least you've got someone with you and you're not alone.
Chorong: yeah...
Onew: ermmm..how's you love life? Married? Single?
Chorong: (startled) owh..still single. I actually have no time to think about love, I'm a workaholic woman. My working hours not fixed and always coming home late. I prefer live my life like this and I'm happy.
Onew: I see..you're beautiful Chorong it's impossible no guy interested with you.
Chorong: hehehe..of course have but like I told you before I'm the one not interested with this kind a thing. My work is my first priority right now, love will come eventually. So, enough talking about me how about you?
Onew: almost same like you I travel a lot I mean a lot, my previous girlfriend leave me and all said the same thing.
Chorong: what they said?
Onew: I have no time with them always work and they feel lonely and so on..now I'm single.
Chorong: you like it?
Onew: you mean being a single guy? Hurmm..how can I say sometimes yes sometimes not. When i see my friends with their wife, fiancé or girlfriend I feel lonely. It's hard to find woman who is understanding with our work you know. I have everything but bad in relationship.
Chorong: I'm sure one day you will find your soulmate who will accept you weaknesses and comprehend with you work.
Onew: hopefully and like what you said earlier love will come eventually, right?
Chorong: hehehe..yes!
Onew: feels good to meet an old friends here, we should do this often I mean hangout grab some coffee or go for movies.
Chorong: why not..I'm okay with it but make sure both of us are free that time. As you know my work sometimes need me to be there immediately if got emergency and you travel here and there.
Onew: you're right, it's okay we can try. Can I get your phone number? Easy for me to contact you if I'm in town so we can go for dinner or something if you free.
Chorong: sure..

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