She's Leaving

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Park's Residence
It's been 5 days they not seeing and talking with each other, she's been receiving tons of calls and text messages from Suho but she just ignored and delete it. Her both eyes swollen because she's been crying all night and dark circle start to appear on her eye bags due to lack of sleep. When she think back of what happened she will cry nonstop, locked herself in the room and not eating. Her parents and Chanyeol worried looking at her condition, she look depressed. Every time they ask her to join them for breakfast, lunch or dinner she will refused it.
Mrs. Park: I'm worried about your sister, I've never see her act like this before. She locked herself up in the room and refused to eat. I don't want her to fall sick, she need to get out from her room and eat something at least.
Chanyeol: I try persuade her many times but she locked the door and won't let me go in mom.
Mr. Park: give her some space and time to think, I'm sure she will be fine. Did Suho try and talk to her?
Chanyeol: I'm sure he did but I don't think so noona will reply his call or text. She hate him dad after what happened.
Mr. Park: did he really sleep with that girl? I thought he loves rongie.
Mrs. Park: he take care and loves rongie, how come this things happen?
Chanyeol:'m not sure about that but I will go to his house today and ask him.

Kim's Residence
Suho inside his room lying down on his bed thinking of her, he call and send her lots of text messages but she didn't reply any of it. He feel stress out and throw away his phone. He cover his face with the pillow and scream as loud as he can, tears coming out from his eyes. He take his phone on the floor and take a seat at the bed. Someone knock the door, he wipe his tears and open the door.
Suho: you?
Chanyeol: yes, it's me can I come in?
Suho: please come in.

Chanyeol take a seat on the chair and Suho sitting on the bed. Suho look down on the floor and silent, Chanyeol looking at him, hold his anger and try not to beat him. He want to talk about what happened that night and if possible settle the problem between them.
Chanyeol: how are you?
Suho: not's Chorong?
Chanyeol: not good, she's not eating and only stay in her room.
Suho: I'm sorry..
Chanyeol: you sorry for what?
Suho: (silent)
Chanyeol: hyung..tell me honestly what happened that night? You are my best friend and Chorong is my noona, I need to be fair and square here.
Suho: (take a deep breath) that night after Kai told me Hyolyn came with her friends I went to see her and brought her to the kitchen. I was about to ask her not to cause anymore trouble and leave my house but she ask me to forgive her for everything she ever done to me. I feel surprised and relieved because she said she want to study abroad and won't disturb me anymore. You also know how she always disturb me and cause trouble all this time right? So for the sake of me and Chorong I forgive her. After that I still remember she poured drinks for both of us and she said it was the last time we will see each other, I drink the whole glass. I start to feel dizzy and sleepy, I said to her I want to go to my room and rest. She helped me, at first I refused and try to find Chorong or anyone of you but the dizziness get worse, I almost fainted but she bring me to my room. The next thing I know you all in my room, you punch me on my face, Chorong is crying and feel angry with me and Hyolyn accuse me forced her to sleep with me. I was so confused chan..I didn't cheat on her, you know how much I love your noona. I'm not that kind of guy who sleep with other girls for my own benefit, I've waited for 4 years to get Chorong back in my life, how can I just do crazy and stupid things like this chan. This is the truth of what happened that night, you know that I never lied to you even our friends and especially Chorong.
Chanyeol: (take a seat next to Suho) did you call or text her? Did you explain like this to her?
Suho: i try call and text her many time until i lost my count, not any single call or text she replied me. She hates me chan..she hates me..
Chanyeol: she's still angry with you give her some space and time to cool down.
Suho: I'm afraid it's too late for me to make things right because she is leaving and go to London in 1 week. I don't want to lose her chan, I love her so much.
Chanyeol: i try and talk to her.
Suho: you not hate me? You help me?
Chanyeol: I know it's not your fault, I can see you really love my noona. It's just when i saw you on the bed with her I can't control my anger that's why I beat you before you give explanation, for that I'm sorry. I know Hyolyn will do anything to make you become her boyfriend, you need to be careful next time hyung. My noona easily get hurt and hard to forgive people who hurting or trouble her. I try to help but I'm not promise it will settle okay?
Suho: you really a good friend and brother, I'll understand and thank you for helping and believe in me. I appreciate it so much chan.

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