The Garden Discussion

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  Chapter  Five: The Garden Discussion

      Chapter                                                               Five

My mom told me to “run along and do my schoolwork like a diligent girl,” so I retreated, but definitely not to the schoolroom.  I was already ahead of my lessons anyway, so I wasn’t too worried about turning things in late.  My teacher didn’t care, and I knew that even if I had not finished my lessons there would be little to no consequence.  Afterall, I was a girl and would not have a need for all this knowledge; my husband would just be educated instead of me.  All that I was taught was how to be feminine, host parties, and flirt appropriately with possible suitors.  

Instead, I ran to catch up to Jean and my furious father, who was still fuming with rage that Jean would ask for charity from his prosperous and humble country.  My father was always fair and generous, but sometimes he would just burst in anger after holding it all in.  We lived in a prosperous country, but 

Well, it was not so much to catch up to them as to eavesdrop on them and their “discussion.”  Somehow I doubted that this conversation would be far from a civilized conversation, and I always loved some excitement from my daily schedule.  So, I ran down halls, slid down banisters, and skidded along the waxed floors of the ballroom to finally reach them where they were about to enter our outdoor greenhouse.  Of course, it didn’t hurt that the banisters had also just been waxed and I had been dying to shimmy down them.  I hated that I was often too busy to slip away from my governess; sometimes life as a princess annoyed me greatly.

When I finally caught up with them, they were already deep in their civilized ‘discussion.’  They both stared at each other as if they were playing a game and trying to spot the other’s weakness so that they could defeat him.  Jean was trying to plead with the king about something, but it looked like Daddy was not listening.  His arms were folded across his torso in a move of defiance which I had never seen him do.

“Your Majesty, I know that you are insulted that I dare to ask Your Majesty the assistance of financial aid at all, but the people of Pathia are starving.  They need food, and you could solve this problem for them!  There was a flood last month, as I am sure you know, and all of their crops have failed, as their whole country lies along the border of the Linken River.  I have poured almost all of my money into helping the poor deprived Pathians, and there must be some way you can help me, and these helpless people.  Please, I know you are very generous and kind,” Jean pleaded, obviously very experienced in flattering people.

The king pursed his lips.  “Okay........ But,” before he could continue, Jean cut him off rather rudely.  

“Thank you, thank you, I can not thank you enough, Your Majesty” Jean pronounced loudly, looking overjoyed.  

“But,” the king interrupted, “once you receive the money and have utilized it to the advantage of Patina and its people, you must pay me back every single penny.  This is not a gift, and I expect you to realize that as a ruler of a resource-filled country.”  

Once Jean heard that, his face fell.  “Your Majesty, I am afraid that all of the money that I receive over the next few years will be going to helping the Pathians before I even touch it.  I would try to pay you back the instant I could, but I am afraid it might take me a while to get the money.”  

Jean looked truly sorry, and I believed him, but I could see that my father didn’t.  I knew for a fact that he had been cheated out of his money before, but I still didn’t think that he had any reason at all to be so terribly discourteous towards a visitor of our fine country.  

My father pursed his lips, judging Jean’s character for signs of lying.  Then, after a short while that felt much longer to both me and Jean, he nodded and said, “come, let us go back to the palace to figure out exactly how much money you need for this cause of yours.  If I find that you are lying by the way....”  He trailed off, but I saw that Jean could tell what he was truly trying to show by his suspenseful ending.

I suddenly realized that if they turned around, they would see me, and I was definitely not supposed to be here watching them.  Knowing that I was dead if they caught me, I began trying to think of the worst punishment that my father could inflict upon me, and I was terrified.  

I searched for a hiding place, and the only one that I could find was a large bush that I remembered.  I knew that this shrub was hollow, because when I was younger I had played here, pretending that I was a fairy princess inside of a magical world, different from the palace where I truly lived, even though this life was as close to magical as you could get.  I jumped inside, although the entrance that I had made long ago had closed since I had played in it.  I made it right in time, because right when I safely landed in the bush hidden from sight, the Prince and my father walked by, having more calm and civil conversation now that they had gotten the money issue out of the way.

“Did you hear that?” Jean asked my father with a very paranoid look on his face. 

“Yes,” the king answered in reply, “but it was probably just a squirrel or large bird.  There are lots of them here, the terrible creatures.  They annoy me to no end, and ruin quite a few plants.  I will tell the gardener to clear out any that he might find tomorrow.”  With that, they  turned a corner and disappeared from my sight.  

“Sorry little squirrels,” I whispered apologetically as I jogged back to the castle, knowing that if I stayed for too long I would be discovered and be in trouble with my parents, and possibly even Jean.


Hey guys, I just wanted to thank you so incredibly much for being so kind as to read my humble story.  Please comment and tell me what you think, this was a short-ish chapter, so I am so sorry, but the next update will be better.  PROMISE.  Vote please!  I feel so happy when I see someone has voted, and it lets me know that I am not wasting my time.  Fan me, and then you will get updates whenever I update.  Thank you again, and I will never forget how kind Wattpad has been to me.  I love seeing how many reads I have.

Love, Hannah 

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