•Chapter 2•

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Happy reading 😃😃

We were sitting in the dining room. Sathyam and Shivam were giving each other glances. I had freshened up again and I smirked as I thought about the morning's incident.

What happened now?

These two!!

"What do we do with you?" Shivam sighed.

"Now what did I do?" I pouted like a kid.

"You don't know?" Sathyam cocked his eyebrow.

I really didn't know.

I swear.

What was it now?

Sathyam put a blue file in front of me and I looked up to see him angry and disappointed at the same time. Shivam was usual.. just waiting for answers.

"Who asked you to do this?" I sneered.

"It was not wrong" Shivam said in a cold voice.

"What? Sneaking into my room?!" I screamed.

"Why did you do it Roo?" Sathyam asked.

"My wish. I just took over the Aggarwals" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Roo, why?" he sighed "don't Roo" he sighed again.

"Why are you so scared?" I asked.

"Roo go back home" Shivam shook me up.

"Martha, where's breakfast? You know I don't like waiting" I screamed in anger.

Oh man, how I hated calling her by her first name. But sometimes my anger took over and things just happened. Well, I had to do it to keep things under control.

"Here Miss" came the woman in her late fortys with a food trolley and the other kitchen staff came running with plates and forks, spoons and knives.

No. Don't call me like that.

"Sorry. The pie took a long time. The oven fails to co operate" she sighed.

Don't apologize, please.

"I'll get the kitchen renovated" I huffed.

"No no. That's not needed Ma'am" one of the butlers blurted out.

All gasped and Martha's hands shivered. Sathyam and Shivam sat quietly. The guy who had opened his mouth had his eyes wide. No one dared to back answer me.

No one!!

"I'm sorry" he blurted out.

"What did you do?" I asked all calm.

My calmness was an indication to a storm.

"I'm sorry ma'am" he cried in fear.

"What are the rules?" I asked as I played with my fork and smiled at Martha as she finished serving me.

He stood still. Silent. Shivering. I got up and walked to him.

"Shawn get me a skewer" I smiled.

"The ru.. rrr.. rr.. ruull.. rules are never.. never ever go against you ma'am. Never back answer you. Never to interrupt your saying" he stuttered.

"And you went against it" I pursed my lips.

"I'm sorry" he pleaded.

"Put your tongue out" I snapped.

"I'm sorry" he pleaded.

"Tongue out now!!" I snapped.

He stuck his tongue out and the skewer was peirced. He screamed and I could do nothing but look at him.

His Death.. His Love.. [Under Major Editing] (On Hold)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat