New Recruit|•|Genji x Fem!Reader

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I just created this book so therefore, no requests, so therefore...I'm doing a random one shot with my fav guy from Overwatch XD BTW, this is a biiiit long, as I LOOVE detail.

Gender: Female


(Your POV)

I sighed as I started walking home from a tiring day of work. It was always so exhausting and boring that I couldn't wait to get home. As I was walking along, I suddenly heard gunfire in the nearby alleyway and stopped in my tracks.

I looked down it and spotted a tough looking guy in a red and blue jacket with a 76 on it, and a guy that looked like a cowboy, surrounded by guys known as Los Muertos. I saw that they were out numbered 2 to 15, and I realized I needed to help. I saw a baseball bat on the ground by a member knocked out on the ground and picked it up.

I saw them get seperated and the cowboy was taking out many guys and so was the guy with the visor, but after a moment, they pinned him down and a guy, put a gun up against his head.

"Say adios, Chico." He laughed evilly and right as he was about to pull the trigger, I appeared behind him and swung fast, hitting him in the back of the head and knocking him out.

The other guys that were pinning the man down looked up at me with wide eyes, and before they could realize what was happening, I swung and hit one guy in the face, knocking him unconscious and I quickly turned around and roundhouse kicked another in the face.

The other guy pulled out his gun to shoot me and I gasped and closed my eyes, ready to duck, but the man in the visor appeared in front of me and knocked his gun away and hit him upside the head with his gun, knocking him out.

I sighed in relief and the cowboy came over to us, the rest of the members all on the ground unconscious.

"Thanks Kid. You were very brave to do that." The man with the visor said to me.

"Oh, uh, it was nothing, I didn't want to just walk away when I saw someone who needed help." I said, looking down at my feet.

"Ya know, we could always use more heroes like you Missy in Overwatch." The cowboy grinned at me, and put his guns in his holsters.

"M-me? Oh, no, I could never be a hero. I don't know really how to fight. I just didn't want to watch someone in need and not help out, thats all." I said, fiddling with my fingers.

"That quality is what makes you a hero. And besides we could always train you. So what do you say Miss...?" The visor man asked.

"Oh, I'm (y/n)." You replied with a small smile.

"Nice to meet you (y/n). So what do you think Kid?" He asked, putting a hand on your shoulder.

I thought about it for a moment, before looking up and smiling, nodding my head.

The cowboy smiled at me and the visor man patted my shoulder.

And this is how, my whole life changed.

The Next Day

Today I was accepted into Overwatch as an official member. The man with the visor, who I learned was Soldier 76, and the cowboy, McCree, brought me back to their headquarters and introduced me to everyone.

People came up to me with bright smiles on their faces, eager to see their new recruit. The first was a girl with goggles, spiky brown hair and had an English accent.

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