Chapter 1

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Maddison POV

I kicked the football into the goal.
"Good job!" my best friend Matthew says and claps.
Matthew was teaching me how to play football. Football wasn't my thing. Soccer was my thing. anyways I love in Woodbridge Virginia. it's super fun! I get to be with my best friend all the time.
He travels with his family all the time. it's really hard when he's gone. Why? because. I lost my dad when I was 11. he had cancer. Matthew was the only thing that cheered me up. My brother is gone and is off at college.
It's just me and my mom and my dog.

"Thank you very much." I say in fake British tone and curtsy.
Matthew smirks.

We start walking home.

"Today was fun! thanks for teaching me!!" I say and look at him.

"No problem! you were really good!" he says.

He holds up his phone and takes a selfie. I laugh.

"Ok well see ya!" I say and then walk to my door step. he walks across the street and shouts
"Bye!" at me.

I open the door and run upstairs to shower. I come down and sit next to my mom on the couch.

"Hey sweetie! how's it going?" she asks me.

"Good! Matt taught me how to kick a football properly!" I say and she laughs.

"Good for you! dinners ready when you are." she says and points to the table.

"Thank you." I say and get up.

I eat the plate and put it in the sink.


I wake up and turn my alarm off.
I get dressed and grab my phone and walk down stairs.
I eat breakfast and then brush my teeth.

I say good bye to my mom and then walk outside.

"Hey Maddie!" I hear Matthew call.

"Hiiiiiii!" I reply. we are really close. we know almost every single detail about each other. literally.
We were called M&M in 6th grade and it kinda just stuck.
So we were m and m for good.
I didn't have a crush on Matt. no! never! or maybe I could but I just didn't.
He was like my brother.

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