44 Battle of a Lifetime

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"You really thought that I didn't notice their presence?!" Richter continued to laugh. "The very moment they stepped into this place I noticed them. That is when my plan started to move, right Jasmine?"

"Yes." Jasmine only nodded with a blank face.

"How could you?!" She ripped her wedding gown making it a mini dress.

She unraveled her hair and tied it with the jewelry on her arm. It was something, rather than nothing.

"I'll kill you both!" She charged at the two of them and the fight begun.

"Jasmine hold her off while I kill these incompetent fools." Richter got to
Laito first.

"Yes, Richter-sama."

"Jasmine you have one second to get out of my line of vision." Her attitude did a quick turned around.

"I'm afraid I can't do that." Jasmine picked up a sword fallen from Ayato's grip.

"Then you also have to die." She picked up the dagger from Subaru.

They charged at one another and fought. Despite being years younger than Jasmine she was holding herself quite well. They kicked, punched, stabbed, sliced and cut one another in various places. Her dress got in her way of moving properly leading to multiple scars.

While the two were fighting the three girls surrounded Hina and her father. They circled around them and carefully formulated a plan.

While they were in their own battle the brothers got up and fought Richter. Every single time one lands a blow he just flips them over and lands a blow to another.

"This getting annoying." Ayato wiped some blood off his chin.

"There are already six of you and yet you all are unable to defeat me. This is what it means to be powerful." Richter had a crazed look in his eyes. "Come and try to kill me!"

"Just as you wish!" Shu charged at him with an outstretched fist.

Richter only grabbed his fist and flipped him over poor Reiji. He then grabbed Ayato and Laito and bumped their heads together with so much force they were blown back. Kanato got hit in the stomach sending him flying back and crashing on Subaru.

"Your slow! Very very slow!"

"Then how about the three of us?!" The three girls charged at an unsuspecting Richter and got blown back.

"We'll support you!" Diane shouted.

"We appreciate it." Reiji got up.

Hina was hiding behind a bench watching the battle unfold. Her father was now beaten and was on the floor. Hina never had a good relationship with her father so she didn't mind him. Who was most important to her is right in front of her, Melody.

"Jasmine!!!" She thrusted her dagger and it grazed Jasmine's cheek.

"You will pay for that." Jasmine returned the blow to her side making it bleed.

Her arms, legs and torso were all sliced. She hasn't been fed yet so her wounds were healing at a very slow pace. Her legs gave out and she crumpled to the ground. Her once loveable outfit was now torn and sticky with blood. Her once presentable hair was now a mess. The jewelry that she was wearing probably had no value anymore.

Jasmine stood in front of her fallen form. She still hasn't passed out but she was exhausted.

Jasmine raised her sword above her body.

"Tch." She clicked her tounge.

"Good bye Melody." Just as Jasmine struck down the sword Hina jumped out from behind and clung to Jasmine's leg.

"DON'T KILL HER!!!" Her voice echoed through out the church which halted everyone's movement.

"Hina...What are you doing?!" She slowly tried to sit up, but failed to. "Run away from here!"

"NO!" Hina was already shaking. Of course, she was still a child. being put between a life and death situation any child would have wanted to live, but Hina risked her life. "Big sis saved me before! Now I will save big sis!"

Her small fragile voice echoed through out the church which halted everyone's movement.

"Hina..." She choked out. "Please..."

"I WON'T!" Hina stubbornly grabbed on to Jasmine's leg.

"Oi, you. Get this child off me." Jasmine ordered the fallen father of Hina.

Slowly but steadily the fallen warrior stood up with pitch white eyes. He was still under whatever spell was cast on him.

"As you wish." He said almost in a robotic voice.

"Stop!" She grabbed his ankle to prevent him from moving any further. "Don't you dare touch her." Her voice showed clear sign of threat.

The robotic man didn't even budge. He kept walking, dragging her on the floor in the process. More wounds appeared in her body as her skin was being scratched on the surface of the floor. At one point the robotic man seemed pissed and kicked her off to where the benches were. He was about to strike Hina when Melody had a burst of energy and tackled Hina's father making them both stumble near the altar.

"Melody!" Shu shouted as he blocked Richter's attack.

She almost passed out from that last burst of energy but then Jasmine kicked Hina away and walked towards both of their fallen form.

"As a puppet, you did a terrible job." Jasmine looked down at them with a cold glare. "I'll just dispose of you. You were a failed experiment after all."

Melody was right beside the man. For a short second his eyes turned normal and he whispered his last four words to her.

Take care of Hina.

Jasmine brought down her sword on his head making a large splatter of blood go across her face. Her eyes widened as she processed what happened. Hina's scream could be heard through out the chapel once again.

"PAPA!!!" Despite not having a good relationship with him, despite almost being choked to death, and despite being harmed by her father she can't hide the fact that her father died right in front of her eyes.

"Jasmine..." She slowly and creepily stood up.

"Have you noticed?" Jasmine only smirked. "I brainwashed him and controlled his mind, so that he could benefit Richter-sama."

"How could you..."

"All in the name of Richter-sama." Richter smirked as he heard this.

"You'll regret doing that." She looked at Hina sobbing away beside her father's corpse. "You'll regret angering me."

Her eyes flashed a dangerous color of red as she grabbed the silver knife and got ready to fight. A pulse of adrenaline rush made her body itching for a fight.

"Shall we begin round 2?"


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