Sick As All Hell

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Seven minutes later while Dean was laying down and resting with his eyes closed, Benny came in with a smirk and laying down next to Dean. "Cas, you're back early.." Benny didn't say anything and smiled, pressing a kiss to Dean's neck.

Meanwhile at the deli Anna is there again. "Well hey buttercup.." She smirked. Cas bit his lip and looked down, immediately turning around to leave.

"Cas.." She whined. "Don't run away, and you do have to pay for that. Or no dinner for you and Dean." Anna bit her lip.

Cas sighed and dropped a twenty on the table. "Keep the change." He said bluntly as he turned to leave.

Anna huffed and sighed in defeat, but this was not over. Dean leaned closer into Benny and moaned softly. When Cas got home, he heard his name on Dean's lips. "Cas.., are you gonna keep kissing me or do something more..?" He chuckles with his eyes closed.

"Depends..." Benny lowered his voice. "What do you want?" Cas' eyes widened, slowly setting down the sandwiches and crept towards his room.

"Whatever you'd like Cas.." Dean smirked, still had his eyes closed and cuddled into the bed.

"Cas..?" He muttered under his breath as he opened the door.

Dean still had his eyes closed when Cas walked in and he leaned his hips into Benny's. "Cas.., more.."

"Dean...?" He asked quietly from the door.

"Right here..., more please.." Dean moaned softly and pushed into Benny more. "Cas.." Cas bit his lip and blinked tears. What kind of game was Dean playing?

Finally Dean opened his eyes, expecting to see Cas but he saw Benny. His eyes widened. "Benny?!" He scream and then Benny ran out the window, breaking it.

Cas was already gone, leaning outside the door when he heard the scream. "Dean?" He rushed back inside to see the broken window.

Dean was huddled on the bed in a ball. "I thought Benny was you! He ran out the window! Can we move Cas..? I don't feel safe here anymore.."

"I don't either." Cas shook his head quickly and nodded, quickly wiping his eyes so Dean wouldn't see. "I'll-I'll look into it tomorrow-" he was cut off by his sneeze.

"Bless you Cas.." He chuckles softly before biting his lip and looking down with a frown. "Did you by any chance hear me..?"

Cas changed the subject. "So I can take the day off and start looking tomorrow."

Dean sighed and nodded, immediately knowing that Cas heard. "Yeah.., okay just let me go with you cause I don't wanna stay alone."

"Of course." Cas smiled, though it looked forced. "Let's just get some sleep in the meantime."

Dean nodded and hugged Cas tightly. "I love you Cas..very, very much.." He smiled softly.

"I love you too.." He mumbled, almost sadly as he lay down on the bed and curled into Dean.

"We should get married as soon as possible so nobody gets in our way.." Dean smiled happily as he ran a hand through Cas' hair.

"Let's." Cas smiled softly and shifted. "Do you still want him there...?"

Dean shook his head. "If you don't want him then I don't want him." He smiled and kissed his nose.

"Thanks Dean." Cas mumbled and pecked his lips, eyes drooping shut.

Dean smiled and leaned closer to Cas. "No problem.." Dean soon fell asleep, holding onto Cas tightly.

Cas drifted off to sleep as well resting his head against Dean's chest. Dean smiled and hummed in his sleep happily. Cas clutched Dean's shirt, falling into a deep sleep.

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