Chapter 5 - Super-Terrorizer

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The weasel felt a cold shiver run up his spine, and he licked his dry lips. "Kill them sir?"

The sphinx's expression stayed dull. "Yes. Kill them. Mutilate them. Especially the rabbit. Any chance they get of her alone, tell them to kill her."

The weasel gulped, swallowing heavily. "Y-yes sir. Shall I also inform the front desk to get you a new desktop, and get the janitors to clean up this mess?"

The sphinx turned around to face him again, shifting his let hand to his pocket. "Yes, right away, please. Inform them of my plans first."

The weasel nodded, and began to stiffly walk out of the dark, dreaded room.

That man is a super-terrorizer, The weasel dreaded to himself in his thoughts.


Nick's eyes fluttered open, to find himself in Judy's bed, fully clothed in pajamas. The aroma of department store flower scent filled his nose, and he smelled of soap from when he bathed with Judy the night before. A sheepish smile crept up his lips, while a pink blush ran under his fur down his cheeks.

The fox yawned, stretched up, and cracked his back out, groaning in pleasure as the tight knots in his back relaxed, spreading comfort throughout his body. He fell back down against the bed again, curling into a comfortable ball, taking the pillow beside him against his nose, inhaling the faint smell of Judy, and the strong scent of  floral soap they bathed in.

The fox pulled his muzzle away from the pillow, and his eyes widened in horror at what he saw. Sitting at Judy's small table, in the old wooden chair.... was himself.

It didn't make sense. Nick knew he was having another episode, but this one had no signs. It had just come on to him! Instead of vibrant green eyes that Nick had commonly noticed himself having everyday he looked in the mirror, this reincarnation of himself had milky white eyes.

He was blind.

"Hi Nick." It spoke, a friendly smile unexpectedly springing on his lips. It stretched its back out just as Nick had earlier, groaning in satisfaction. "I'd wave to you, but I can't see a damn thing."

Nick shook his head violently, pressing himself against the corner of the headboard of the bed and the wall.

"You're not real." He growled, pressing himself as flat as he could against the corner.

It laughed, knocking its head back in a playful laugh. Too playful. "Maybe so Nick, but I'm real enough. I'm all in your head, yet you believe I exist so much, here I am. I am just a creation of your head, and you're losing your mind."

Nick snapped at him, extracting his claws in preparation. "No, I control you. Why am I seeing you..."

It leaned forward, and smirked back at him, and the milky white of his eyes evaporated till he could see the eyes behind them, they were green just like his. It was an exact copy of him now.

"Stay with her Nick. I was wrong. She's good for us."

Nick stared back dumbfounded, blinked, and like that, he was gone.


"You guys were looking for me?" Judy clicked the door behind them in an interrogation room, where Jimena and Diego sat. She mentally smiled at how close they were sitting now.

Zootopia: Where The Wild Things AreOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz