Chapter 1 - Where Blood Is Inches Thick

Start from the beginning

The African wild dog looked down to her, brows furrowed to copy Judy's angry expression. "Maybe you didn't get shocked by some stupid group of kids this morning." She scowled, rubbing her neck.

Judy's expression changed to a cautioned questioning glance. "Shocked?"

Jimena flew around, and snapped her jaws furiously. "Yes, shocked!"

A beep went off, and her eyes dialted. Her body spasmed, and her breath hitched for a brief second.

Judy was puzzled, before there was the pungent odor of burnt fur.

Diego's whine only led her to piece together Jimena's sudden rush of silence, she was being electrocuted by her collar.

After a few long seconds, the hum of fiery electricity was ceased, and a beep from the collar was emitted. Jimena tumbled to the floor onto her side, moaning in pain.

"Jimena!" Diego cried, rushing down to her body. The African Dog coughed violently, swatting him away.

"I am fine," She spoke through gritted teeth, eyes shredding through the air, giving Judy a glance of pure hatred. The rabbit gulped.

Diego helped her up, and checked behind her collar with a finger for any serious injuries.

"I think you're fine," He breathed, satisfied with his overlook on her neck. His eyes turned to Judy, and for the first time they showed just a little hint of anger. He said nothing, but rather helped Jimena up, and stood awkwardly, his face red.

With a little shock to Judy, Jimena wrapped her arms around her partner, resting her head on his shoulder.

Diego turned as red as a rose, but, embraced her warmly as it was. "Thank you." She stated bluntly, before quickly escaping his grasp.

Judy would've sworn she saw raw lightest blush on her cheeks.
Diego turned his body to the door, and with a swift move of his paws, used the keys to unlock it.

With a push, the door opened into a gigantic warehouse; and a pungent, deathly smell. Judy, again, felt the bile rise in her stomach. Jimena wrinkled her muzzle, and Diego stood uncomfortably.

Judy's deep lavender eyes gandered to the right side of the giant "room", which was pretty much the entire building. It was more of a warehouse, if anything, where shelves of covered dead bodies captured the space. The air stunk of death and rotting flesh.

To their left, was a desk, a few shelves on each side, two filing cabinets that acted as desk legs, and papers littered everywhere. A desk lamp shined dully in the cold steel of the giant warehouse.

"I guess these are the files and stuff." Judy gulped, taking slow advances toward the desk.

Jimena pinched her nose and wafted the air. "Jodido cristo.." She spat, still rubbing her tender neck. Diego followed directly in front of her, a bit protectively if anything. The whole warehouse itself seemed menacing, like a giant steel trap.

With caution, Judy hopped up onto the itchy, dusty fabric rolling chair, and stood on two feet in order to see what was on the desk. What was laid out looked new, but papers beneath the crisp ones looked old, folded, and crusty. Some even had the faint sign of bloody pawprints.

"What exactly are we looking for?" Diego popped up next to Judy, peering at her eyelevel curiously. The rabbit herself wasn't exactly sure. She snapped her fingers a few times, attempting to spark up something to start with.

"Data." She began first, hoping to pick up some traction. Her paws sifted through the papers on the desk. "Dates... um.. death records... uhm.."

Her eyes peeled to the corner, were an old box screened computer sat, the screen dusty and the box grimy. The words Dell were carved into the plastic, a dull silvery paint covering the carves, and in the "e", was a power button. She pressed it, and her ears perked up to here the crackle of static electricity seep from the computer monitor. The screen faded to a dull life, and the desktop was alive and breathing. The background held the text D.P.C.U. DATA ROOM COMPUTER - WINDIGO XP OPERATING SYSTEM alongside the D.P.C.U. logo.

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