Our REAL end

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                                                                                       Or Not.

Two days passed since Optimus' speech to the stars. Today I was heading off.

I packed my bag, that was given to me from Sam. He had also given me a pair of clothes to wear and Mikela gave an outfit of hers. I stuffed my clothes into the bag along with some food and water.

"You sure you can't stay?" Sam's Mom asked, "We've got plenty of room, plus it'd be nice to have another girl around."

I smiled, "I really appreciate the offer, but the people who made me want me dead. I'm putting you all in danger staying here. And the chances may be slim that anyone of those idiots are still lurking about, but it never hurts to be safe. Plus I can't stand sitting around for long. It'd drive me insane." I zipped the bag closed and swung it over one shoulder, "Thanks for having me. I'll be seeing you around, Mrs. W"

"Call me Judy, please." She smiled, "It's been a pleasure to have you, Rahab. Come back whenever you get the chance. Bye."

I nodded, "Thanks...Judy. Tell Sam what I said, and be careful." I opened the door and walked outside. Ron, Sam's dad was busy fixing his yard, "Bye, Mr. Witwicky."

He looked up and waved, "Walk on the path."

"Of course." I stayed on his path, "Thanks for you help."

"Mhm. Oh, if you see Sam, can you tell him he has to do the trash."

"Definitely." I walked over to Bumblebee who was still a camero. "Hey Bee."

He transformed.

"Do you, by chance, know where Optimus and the others are?"

He squealed and pointed west, to the outskirts of town.

I smiled, "Thanks. See ya around."

He squealed again then turned back to a car. I looked around me, out of habit, then took to the air. Sam's bag was placed between my wings. Not long later I landed on the overhang above where Optimus and the autobots were. I jumped down, extending my wings a bit to slow the fall.

"Ah, hello Rahab." Optimus nodded in acknowledgment to me, "You're taking your leave?"

"Yeah." I looked back to my bag then sighed, "I'm not the kind of person to sit around and wait for trouble to find me."

"You're the kind of person to go look for the trouble." Rachet stated. Ironhide chuckled in agreement as well.

"Oh gee." I deadpanned, "Thanks." I exhaled then looked up at them. I had to squint my eyes a bit because the sun shone right behind them. Though, it's a problem I'm willing to live with. After all, seeing is amazing. "What about you guys?

"There are more decepticons out there." Optimus started.

"We're going to kick their cans!" Ironhide revealed his canons for effect.

Ratchet nodded, "It won't be easy."

"It never is." I finished with a gloomy smile.

"Where will you go?" Ratchet asked.

I shrugged, "Don't know. Though, I'll probably go look for my father, if he's still alive. He knew more about my creators than I do. The whole I'm part cybertronian is still a shocker to me." I stretched my arms and then spread my wings, "Chances are I won't, but, see you around." I smiled and took to the air.

The three autobots on the ground waved.

"Oh, if you guys see Sam," I yelled over the wind that had picked up, "Tell him to be careful. I've got a feeling that something may happen." With that I let the wind take me east. The smile on my face faded. Ever since I had touched that cube and forced it into Megatron's chest something in me...changed.

Not only have I been seeing strange symbols, and a few of those had, seemingly, appeared on my limbs, out of nowhere, but I also couldn't stop the nagging feeling of doom that clutched my heart, then again, that was nothing new for me. I didn't bother telling the autobots. They have the symbols on them too so I thought it was... natural for a cybertronian to have them.

Again, I shrugged the feeling off. Besides, what could be weirder than a cybertronian bird girl, right?

                                                                             The real end.

Edited: 09/19/17

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