Protecting the innocent.

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After setting everything up and getting the computer running, something rammed into the door.

"What the hell was that?" Several of them yelled in surprise.

"Decepticon." I hissed out then yelled over their yells, "Barricade the door!"

I concentrated my senses. The others fought like hell, Simmons even managed to force it into the air pipes using a convenient flame thrower. Breathe in... I made my arm transform and jumped up, gutting the duct. Everyone was frantically shooting with the guns they had found. The strange thing dropped to the floor and began shooting. It had a vaguely humanoid shape but was ugly. I dodged all of its ill aimed bullets and sliced downwards. My silver blade cut the sucker in half. Decepticon... blood, splattered all over.

Breathe out... I changed my arm back and looked up to see Simmons and the others in awe.

"What are you?" Their eyes were wide.

"What's the status?" I asked Glen, pushing past their looks.

The said man-child cleared his throat and wiped the screen..."We're good. We're clear." He exclaimed in joy. A smile crossed his tense features, "We have cover!"

"Good," I nodded, "Then I can go meet up with the others."

"You'll never make it in time." Simmons argued.

"Of all the time I spent in your torturous grasp I never did fly, did I?" He didn't answer, "I'm fast enough." With that I was sprinting away, no one tried to stop me.

As soon as I reached the surface I jumped into the sky and unfurled my wings. Knowing time was of the essence. I didn't take a second glance below me at the amazed faces of the humans stuck to the earth. I flapped my wings strongly and reached my peak speed of 250 mph. Wind blew through my unkempt hair making it whip my face, but I didn't care. My attention was on the world below. I was going so fast I nearly whizzed past the autobots. My wings shifted, slowing me down, and I landed in the bed of Ironhide's truck.

"Hey kid." His electronic voice called over the wind, "Nice to see you're alright."

"We've got air support!" I yelled to him so he could relay the message, trying to speak louder than the roaring wind.

"Copy that!" He replied.

A strange yet familiar noise caught my ears. I jumped up and flew next the truck that was the leader of the autobots leader. "Optimus!" I yelled and pointed, "Decepticon in coming!"

"Bonecrusher." Optimus transformed, obviously knowing the con.

"Prime!" The enormous deceptacon yelled. The two began to deck it out. Black top flew everywhere and cars attempted to swerve away. It was a miracle that no one was hurt when it started.

"Rahad!" Optimus ordered, "Protect the innocents."

"You got that!" I pulled my wings in and dropped like a rock to the ground. There was a huge crater where I had landed. "That's going to hurt later." I murmured then got to the task at hand.

People were panicking, which never has a good outcome. I yelled over all the noise and began to direct traffic. It sorta went like this, "Get your asses out of here now! Turn around NOW!" I was pretty sure I damaged my vocal cords I was yelling so loud. Tires squealed as I stood in front of the cars and redirected them. When the flow of traffic (surprisingly) stopped I flew back to Ironhide who was in the city, knowing Optimus could hold his own.

Everyone began to get out of their "cars" and military vehicles. Lennox turned to me, "How'd you get here? I though you stayed behind."

"You're talking to a mutant freak with wings, sir. I came to make you aware that there will be air support."

He blinked a few times then muttered, "Things just keep getting weirder and weirder."

Lennox shook his head, deciding not to dwell on the things he couldn't understand. He grabbed two guns, "You know how to use these? Saber rounds are the only thing that seems to work on the bastards."

"Yeah." I took the offered weapon, "But only as back up." I turned my arm into a sword. "I've got my own way." I turned it back and threw the strap over my shoulder.

"Well, good." He moved to the next thing, handing his fellow soldier, Epps, a radio, "Here, shortwave radios."

"What the hell am I supposed to do with these?" the African American man yelled, slightly aggravated. If I were human and was just told aliens were trying to kill me, I would be too.

"Use them." Lennox stated, checking over his ammo reserves, "They're all we've got."

I tuned out their conversation and began telling people to move, "You have less than a minute." I yelled, "Get the hell out of here! This place is going to be a war zone!"

Some other soldiers joined in, "Let's move it people! This place is not safe for civilians!" The citizens begrudgingly started to leave after some coaxing. I heard something approaching from the sky, and fast. At first it sounded like our air cover, so I yelled out, "F-22 twelve o'clock!"

"This is what we've been waiting for." Lennox shouted out orders. Epps took this chance to use the only communications device we had to contact the plane. After a few tries of his I looked again.

I sent my senses out tho the incoming jet. Something felt off about it, something I couldn't believe I had missed. I took a step towards Ironhide, "Does that jet look off to you?" I asked, hoping to everything out there that I was wrong.

The weapons specialist transformed, earning shouts of terror from the remaining citizens, and looked to the skies and sniffed the air. His glowing eyes scanned the horizon, "That's Starscream!" His hands turned to cannons.

Epps, who had been trying to contact the jet, gave one last ditch message, "Please tell me you copy." There was no response, just as before, just as we had hoped wasn't the outcome.

"Let's get this started!" I yelled as a strong wind picked up, "He's bringing the fight to us!" All the people who had yet to leave screamed even more so when bullets began raining down on us.

"Take cover!" Ratchet yelled.

Now, this was not my first time being fired at, but it was a first for me to have it raining bullets. I dove down next to Ratchet, seeking shelter from the wounding rain. There was a high pitched whistling noise as a missile flew our way. "Shit!" I curled into a ball.

"Incoming!" Ironhide yelled. I heard, felt, and sensed the impact. Dust and blacktop flew everywhere. Time seemed to slow. Glass shattered, it sounded like wind chimes hitting the ground.

I pushed myself up. A slight ring in my ears left me disoriented. My world became fuzzy and I fell again.

"Ra..." A faint voice called. I looked up, surprised to see the one thing I was positive I would never see again, my family. And, I could see them, clear as day. I tried to form words but my mouth wasn't working, in fact, nothing was. I couldn't speak, couldn't hear, couldn't move... My little brother, a young boy I had raised since his youngest years gently caressed my face. My world began to fade to blackness.

Edited: 09/18/17

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