Aliens? Okay. Humans? Nope

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My closed eyes snapped open when I felt the vehicle pull to a stop. Ratchet's back doors opened and I skeptically got out, scanning the surroundings. I jumped out, landing with a small thud. The ambulance changed into his bipedal form. Around us, others like him rose to their feet. "You know, I feel as if I should be surprised by this." I mumbled, "But I'm just not." My senses picked up four other robots, the tallest of witch held an air of authority to him. It was when my echolocation sensed the two humans that I back pedaled, trying to make a run for it.

"Easy." The largest said, "We will not harm you."

Ratchet picked me up by my jacket, placing me in his palm. He brought me up to his face. "Optimus tells the truth. No harm will come to you from us."

I stood up on his hand, "It's not really you I'm worried about." My face turned towards the humans. Then, I barked out a laugh, "And you just ran over me, so sorry for my skepticism." I jumped from his hand when it got closer to the ground.

"That was an accident." Ratchet itched his nose, "And these humans will not harm you. Stay, your wounds are still fresh." I narrowed my eyes, but didn't really want to fight. Plus he had a point, I was in no condition to go running around the streets at this point. When they seemed to be convinced I would make a break for it, the large one began to speak. "My name is Optimus Prime." He seemed like a wise leader to me. "We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron. You may call us autobots for short."

I stayed silent and watched the introductions.

"Autobots," The boy human nodded, "Okay."

One of the smaller 'Bots, the one that turned into a porsche, jumped and slammed onto a junk car, "This looks like a cool place to kick it."

"My first Lt. Designation Jazz." Prime stated.

"How'd you learn to speak like that." I wondered aloud, asking no one in particular. "Or English in general?"

"The World Wide Web." Optimus replied matter of factly.

"Okay." I tilted my head a little bit, but accepted it.

"Ironhide, my weapons specialist," Optimus continued.

"You feeling lucky, punks?" The said autobot transformed his arms into some sort of guns barrels. The two humans took quick steps back. I rose an eyebrow in appreciation. The autobot sure did seem to pack a punch.

"Easy Ironhide." Optimus warned.

The robot looked down, almost ashamed like, "I just wanted to show them my cannons."

"Our medical officer, Ratchet, of which you have already met." He said that to me.

"The boy's pheromone level suggests he wants to mate with that female."

I had to stifle my laughter at the humans, embarrassed, reactions.

"You already know your guardian, Bumblebee." Prime returned his attention back to the two humans.

Bumblebee? I asked mentally. Like an actual bug? The male turned to the camaro, "Bumblebee, right?"

The said car/robot/autobot began 'dancing', "Check on the rep, yep, second to none." Came his reply from the radio. He was smaller than all the others (Besides Jazz), the way he acted seemed to be in a younger style.

"So you're my guardian, huh?" The boy asked a really stupid question, seeing as though it had already been answered.

"His vocal processors were damaged in battle," Ratchet shot a beam of light, a laser, at Bumblebee, who started hacking, "I'm still working on them."

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