Let's run

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It didn't take me long to find them, "Hey." I said casually, as if I hadn't almost died, for the third time that day.

"Why are you covered in blood?" Mikaela dropped the wrench she was holding when she saw me.

"Never mind me, we have to do something about the cube. I can't take it out of here, my right wings hurt to bad."

Just after I finished speaking, a metallic scream of pain rang out. I turned to "see" Megatron ripping Jazz in two. There was a pain in my chest. It was the same pain I felt when my siblings were brutally murdered. Although I didn't know them long, the autobots had become a sort of family to me. Anger boiled within me.

"Ah...Ra, not meaning to alarm you but your eyes are sort of glowing." Sam stated with a squeaky voice.

There was a sharp pain behind my sightless orbs, then everything went from sound waves to red tinged. My anger couldn't be calmed. This thing had only happened to me twice before. Once when the whitecoats were torturing my little sister, right in front of me and the second time was a few days prior, when Bumblebee was taken. Everything seemed to slow. My wings spread on their own accord and my arm changed to my sword. I jumped into the air and broke the sound barrier. I was before Megatron, Jazz's killer, in the blink of a human eye.

The giant robot sneered at me, "Another bug come to die."

"Not to die, to kill." I yelled, "You bastard!" My rage consumed me blocking out all reason. Looking back, I realize now how close I was to death then.

Megatron swung at me and I easily dodged. I sliced his cheek and his "blood" spilled.

He brought his hand to the wound and angrily slapped me away, "How did you do that, INSECT!" He sent me barreling through the air. My body slammed into a window and the glass shattered. I hit the floor and skidded to a halt. My anger overrided the pain. I got back up and jumped back out the window I fell through.

Any comments Megatron made were lost upon me. The rush of wind and blood in my ears prevented me from hearing him. Megatron struck me again, but I came back faster than before. I stabbed and slashed him in all of his vital points. I was on the back of his head, prepared to stab him, yet again, when something slammed into me. My head hit that something and that brought me out of my anger and back to sightlessness. The same something that had hit me was a small decepticon, but still thoroughly evil. I didn't waste a second to put my sword through his heart.

I looked back to where Megatron had been, only to find him gone. My senses picked him up not to far away, but there were civilians around. One stood out from the rest. It was Sam. The reason he stood out so much was because of the cube. It radiated with energy. I sprinted after him. My wings were too hurt for me to fly at the moment, especially after my little throw down with Megatron, the evil robot leader.

"Hiya Sam." I said cheerily, "Whatchya doin'?"

"Running for my life." He panted out, "Trying to get this," he gestured to the Cube, "To that building." He then pointed to a large cathedral like building with statues on top.

"I'm faster, hand it over." I ordered. He gladly complied, only to drop it. As soon as the Cube touched the ground any and all surrounding mechanical devices started to come to life. I picked it up, ignoring the jolt that ran up my arm, grabbed the flair in his hand and sprinted away. Even though I was on foot, I was still faster than a human, now a gigantic alien robot, that's a different story.

Edited: 09/18/17

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