The Great Awakening

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The absence of pain is what woke me. I was aware that merely moments there was a dull throb in the back of my head. There were sounds all around. I tried to open my blind eyes, but there was gauze over them. What the..? I pushed past that and listened to my surroundings. I was in a steel room. There was an examination table to my right and a door to my left. Around the table there was a bunch of all too familiar tools that could cut me open. My ankles were restrained to the wall behind me, my arms the same. White scrubs adorned my body. I pushed with my knees into a sitting position, then standing. What was holding me were flimsy chains. Really? I thought, One tug and I'm free.The dull roar of falling water told me where I was: Sector 7 HQ, Hoover dam. Panic threatened to take over, but I slammed my head against the wall behind me to concentrate. "Ow." I mumbled and shook my head, "Time to go find Bumblebee and save the world." As soon as I began to pull at the chains, and electric current came through them. I smelled my flesh burning and held back a scream. With another great tug, I broke the electrified restraints.

Once I was free, I collapsed on the floor. My breath came in ragged gasps. After a minute I could finally control my body again. I forced myself up and kicked open the door. Mind you, my feet were bare. It hurt. Surprisingly, no alarms went off when the door was forcefully opened from the inside. Before I left, I grabbed one of the tools lying around, a screwdriver. Just incase I'd need it later.

My hands found the wall and I tuned out all other noises. It was hard to concentrate with the water falling roaring in the back of my mind. I slapped the wall three times and let the waves carry throughout the whole complex. Simmons, Mikaela, Sam, some soldiers and agents, and a whole butt load of scientists were standing around in a room close by. It was Megatron's holding cell. The place where the beast slept. I pushed past that and searched farther. At one point, my waves seemed to stop all together, but I concentrated and saw a huge cube. My guess was it was the cube. It had similar, if not identical, markings to that of Optimus and the Autobots, and it gave off a similar energy.

"Where are you?" I asked myself, still searching for Bumblebee. My hand made contact with the wall again, and I found him, "Got you. Don't worry Bee, I'll save you." He was being tortured, like I had been so many times. Quickly, I ran along, ignoring my pained foot, and found Bumblebee. The whitecoats, or scientists whichever you prefer, were taking readings and didn't' even hear me. I snuck around the oblivious idiots and flicked the light switch. "Hey, who turned out the lights?" They began yelling and freaking out.

Meanwhile, I tried to free the autobot. Before I could, the lights turned back on and I was thrown against the wall. Sometimes I hated my light weight. My head collided with steal, leaving me disoriented. The whitecoats injected something into me which made my body go cold and limp. One easily lifted me up and restrained me on a convenient table. Bumblebee tried harder to free himself, but he was in too much pain. The stuff coursing through me quickly wore off and I arched my back. These restraints were strong.

But I was stronger.

The restraints on my metal limbs broke first. I didn't have time to celebrate over the fact because alarms began blaring. The words yelled over the com system made me freeze, "NBE 1 hanger has lost power." NBE1, that's what they call Megatron! I quickly undid the other two straps, only to be shot at with the freezing gas. My cold body was chilled even more and I was sure my metal limbs would snap. I shivered as I tried to move. That's when my heros arrived. Sam, Mikaela, surprisingly Simmons, and a few soldiers came in. They got Bee and me free. I was wrapped in a blanket, that came from who knows where, and handed a pair of boots. Shakily I stood, "I-I have to tell you s-something." I looked to Bumblebee, "The A-Allspark. It's here." Silently I cursed myself for stuttering, but I couldn't help it. After getting Bee under control Sam led us to the cube. I leaned on one of the soldiers, seeing as though I was still recovering.

"You gotta name, kid?" He asked, "I'm Lennox."

"That's the Angel of Death." Simmons stated.

I growled at him, my color slowly returning, "The name's Rahad."

"Which is in essence," another agent said, "The angel of death."

"Shut up." I was finally able to walk, just as we reached it.

It was ginormous. My jaw went slack in awe. Far away, I sensed its glory, but up close it was...just amazing. Bumblebee agreed, by the looks of it. He reached his arms up and barely touched the edge. I watched in astonishment as it shrank down rapidly. My eyes were practically cross eyed as I sensed the particles folding in on themselves. Everything I knew was practically shattered in the single moment, but hey, alien motherboard, why can't it take any shape it wants?

"Ah, okay," the other soldier, who I found out was named Epps said, "Here we go. He's doing something. He's doing something." Everyone, but Bee and I took a step back. They all made noises of surprise. "Message from starfleet, Captain," Bumblebee now held the shrunken cube close, "Let's get to it."

"He's right," Lennox began planning, "We're screwed with Megatron in the other hanger. Mission City is 22 minutes away. We're going to sneak that cube," he pointed to Bumblebee, "out of here and we're going to hide it somewhere in the city."

"Good!" The senator guy, Keller said, "Right!"

"Wouldn't air cover help." I offered.

"She's got a point." Epps nodded.

"I agree." Lennox turned to Simmons, "We can't make a stand without the air force."

Bumblebee and the others left. I stayed to help those who were my enemies a few moments ago. It's amazing what having a bigger badder enemy can do to people. We went to find a shortwave radio, seeing as though the decepticons EMP wave fried everything else. I followed the others into a museum like room and we began searching.

"Found it!" I yelled, dusting the ancient device off.

"Yes!" Simmons ran over and began flipping switches.

"Mikes..." I stated, "Where are the mikes."

The other guy named Glen was given control when the woman suggested hot wiring the computer to the radio.

"What good is that, Mag?" Glen asked exasperated.

I picked up on her thought process, "Morse code." She nodded, "You can use it to transmit it through that!"

"Yes!" Glen stated, finally catching on, "I can do that!"

"Here." I threw him the screw driver I had picked up earlier. Thank goodness this author knew what they were doing. (Most of the time, anyways). "you'll be needing that."

Edited: 09/13/17

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