Chapter 5: The Tributes

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Katniss was the first to go up to the penthouse. I quickly followed her, eager for the solace of a private room. Once I was inside, I closed the door and took a deep breath.

Alone. Finally. I could think. I desperately needed to think, to separate myself and gain composure. But first, I would get this thing off. I plucked at my flame suit. It was starting to itch, and I was eager to get it off. I took it off, leaving me naked. 

Then, after throwing a robe on, I explored the room. The bed was nice, soft and comfortable. There was a door adjacent to the room, which I soon found out was a bathroom. I stepped into the shower, needing to feel clean. God, could they put any more buttons in here? This was a ridiculous amount of buttons. Buttons for soaps, shampoos, conditioners and a million other things. I pressed a button and warm water came out of the showerhead. Pressing a few more buttons, I was quickly washed and and when I stepped out, the mat underneath me dried me. I had never seen anything like it. Wrapping a towel around myself, I walked back into the bedroom. 

I found some clothes in the closet, some too Capitol for me. God, didn't these people ever wear darker hues? What's up with all the neon?

I picked out a dark pair of pants and a white long-sleeved shirt. I brushed out my dark hair and put it up in a braid. Katniss had taught me how to do the braid a long time ago, and it was now my favorite hairstyle.

Finally, I had managed to run out of stuff to do. Now I really had to think. 

I sat down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Five seconds later, the torrent of thoughts rushed through my imaginary brick wall and swamped me.

Oh, God, I was in the Games. I was going to die. No, I can live. No! I'm not living. Blye must win. STOP! I screamed at myself. 

What am I going to do once I get into the games? Easy. Protect Blye. Okay, forget it. I can't think right now.

I sat up, rubbing my temples. I felt a headache coming on. My stomach let out a loud rumble, telling myself that I was hungry. I got up and walked out into the main room, where everyone else was watching something on the TV, or, as Gale was doing, eating. 

I took a seat across from Gale, and put some fancy Capitol food on my plate. There were hot bread rolls filled with buttter. My mouth watered at the sight. I loved rolls. I didn't get them often back in 12, but whenever I could afford them, I got them. Peeta would give some to me sometimes, but I would never accept. I hate getting charity from someone else. I don't need charity.

Somebody tapped on my shoulder, and I turned around to see that it was Blye. 

"That looks good." She said, licking her lips.

"It tastes good." I replied, taking a bite out of one of the rolls.

"We were watching the Tribute Parade.You and I really look like we're on fire."

"That's cool." I took another bite out of my roll.

"Are you nervous about facing the tributes tomorrow?"

"Umm . ." The question caught me off guard. "Yeah, I guess so."

"I'm kind of nervous. Facing the people that might kill me one day."

"They won't kill you. I'll protect you." Gale glanced up as I said this. 

"You don't need to do that." Blye said quickly. "I'm fully capable of taking care of myself."

"Blye." I said sternly. Before I would say something I'd regret, I quickly said, "I'm going to go to my room."

I stood up and headed back to my room. I felt Blye's stare on my back, but I didn't care. I was tired of this. I didn't ask to be in this position. I don't know what to do.

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