Chapter 4: The Parade

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I looked out the window of the train car, and gasped. It was so beautiful and clean. The sun shined over the pearly white buildings, making them shimmer. The sight was tranquil, for the time being. As we got closer and closer, I became more and more agitated at the Capitol. I could see the people, smiling and waving, excited about the upcoming Hunger Games. It made me feel sick on the inside. 

"Come on, let's go to the others." Blye dragged me towards the main train car.

Katniss was sitting near the door, deep in thought. Peeta was showing Griffin the Capitol out through the window, while Gale took random glances out the window. Eunia was nowhere in sight. She was most likely getting ready for her appearance in the Capitol.

Blye dragged me over to the window reluctantly and I again looked out at the window. The agitation was settling in, replaced by nervousness. The nervousness was mixing with fear as we pulled into the train station. Unlike some of my companions, I was not excited. 

The Capitol people looked at us with admiration and excitement. Peacekeepers led us through the train station to a car. The car led us to a building which we were quickly ushered into. Katniss and Peeta disappeared, and Capitol attendants led us to separate rooms, where I was handed a robe and told to undress. 

Confused, I did so, putting the soft robe on to protect me from the cold of the room. I sat on the table in the middle of the room, trying to think of anything to pass the time. After a long wait, three brightly clothed Capitol citizens walked in the door. 

"Hello! My name is Flavius, and this is Venia and Octavia! We are your stylist team!" The man exclaimed. He was too happy. I didn't like him already.

"Sorry we came in so late, with twice as many tributes it's twice as much fun!" The one named Octavia exclaimed. 

"Hmm," Flavius was walking around me in a peculiar manner. He stared at me for a few moments before he said, "Take off the robe and let us have a look at you."

I hesitated. I was not willing to show off my body to a man I hadn't even known for five minutes.

"Come on, come on, take it off." Flavius urged.

Regretting this, I flung off the robe. Flavius made a disappointed look.

"Hey, what does that mean?" I asked. I wasn't showing off my body to a man that wasn't even appreciative when I did it. Hmph, Capitol people.

"No, no, no, it's nothing. It's just you're so flat, I know Cinna's going to find it hard to work with that." He sighed and looked at me.

"Flavius, let's get her to Beauty Base Zero so that Cinna can come and do everything he needs." Venia distracted Flavius from staring at my body.

"Oh, yes, we're running short on time already. Fan, is it? Please get on the table."

"It's Fawn." I retorted, and grudgingly did as he asked.

First, they ran me over with water, scrubbing me so much that my body turned red. After some lotions had been applied, they ran water over me again and scrubbed me down. The worst part was the waxing and plucking. I lost track of how many times I said, "Ow!"

They went over my nails with some sort of clear coat and brushed out my hair, putting some oils in it. After one last wash, they said I was finished.

"Finally." I groaned.

Flavius, Venia and Octavia left. I put the robe back on, the cold already seeping in through my raw skin.

I sat on the table for a little while, and it wasn't long before the first normal-looking man walked into the room.

The Hunger Games - The Spark - Book OneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin