Chapter 1

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Dedicated to @MilarcStories for getting me to write a sequel :)


"Moms, I'm home!" I called as I walked through the front door, tossing my backpack to the side.

"Avery dear, how was school?" Mom number 1, Dani, walked through the kitchen to the living room, smiling at me.

"It was good..." I bit my lip and smiled, looking away, feeling my cheeks get hot.

"Oh! I know that look!" She grinned. "Your mum Sam would get that look whenever she saw me."

"Dani, don't make me regret marrying you." Mom number 2, Sam, came in from the kitchen, rolling her eyes then smiling at me. "But that is the look of someone who likes someone. Who's the lucky lad or lass?"

"You hang out with Mum Dani too much." I softly giggled as my British accent hinted in there. Having one parent with an accent and one without makes for a very confusing voice with an accent popping out once in a while. "Okay, okay, so there's this girl..."

"Yes!" Mom Sam fist pumped. "You owe me $5."

"You two were betting on my sexuality?" I rose my eyebrow at them, crossing my arms. "Is that really something you do with your daughter."

"Of course not, darling." Sam smiled, hip-checking Dani and winking at her. I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, tell us about her. I hope she isn't your best friend. That would just be ironic."

"She's not, actually. She doesn't even know who I am." I sighed, plopping on the couch.

Sam and Dani exchanged a look before walking over and sitting on either side of me. Dani gently rest her hand on my knee. "Dear, what's wrong? What do you mean she doesn't know who you are?"

"She's the cheerleader captain—"

"Oh, those are hot." Sam smiled. Dani rose an eyebrow at her. "Sorry. Continue."

"As I was saying... She's the cheerleader captain, so she's just so popular. I have one friend, who doesn't even know I'm gay. Guys, what if she's homophobic?"

"Your friend or the cheerleader?"


"Well..." Sam bit her lip. "If your friend is homophobic, you come right to us, okay? Just like you always do. We'll help you through anything and you'll find another friend soon enough. Same goes for the cheerleader. There's other girls to like. I know you don't want to hear that but sometimes that's how it works out. And who knows," She shrugged. "Maybe the next girl that comes along is the right one for you."

I slowly smiled and hugged them both. "Thanks, you two. I'm gonna go up and do my homework, okay?" I let go and got up, going to my backpack and hooking it around my shoulder. I turned around to see them scoot closer to each other, cuddling. "I really hope I get to have a relationship like you two. You're just so cute together." I grin and walk over, kissing their cheeks before going upstairs.

I toss my math book into my backpack, opening my laptop and logging onto Skype, smiling when I saw my best friend, Andrea, online. I immediately got out my earphones and plugged them in, calling her. After a few rings, her face showed up as she was placing her earbuds in. "Avery! I have so much to tell you!"

"We just got out of school..." I looked over at the clock then laughed, looking back at her. "A while ago. I didn't know I spent that long on homework. What's up?"

"My mom is getting married!" She squealed.

"What?! I'm so happy for her! How do you feel about it, though?" I bit my lip, knowing she missed her dad.

"I mean, we have to move on sometime, right?" She sighed, shrugging. "I'm just glad she's happy. I haven't seen her this happy since she was with dad."

A body passed through the background in a blue and white cheerleaders outfit. "Uh... Andrea, who's in your room?"

"Oh! That's the best part! You know Amber, right?" Oh no. Please don't be the same Amber... She took an earphone out and a hand came from off the screen, taking it.

A tan-coloured face popped into the screen, emerald green eyes staring at me through the computer with dark brown, wavy hair falling over her shoulder. "Hey! You must be Andreas friend Avery. I see you at the games once in a while. It's nice to meet you."

"Y-You too, Amber..." I bit my lip. When there was a knock at the door, I took out an earphone and looked up at the door. "Come in."

The door opened, Sam sticking her head in. "Hey dear. I was just letting you know dinner is almost done, okay? Are you on the computer with someone?"

"Just Andrea—"

"Hey!" She pouted.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Andrea and A-Amber..."

"Would they like to come over for dinner?"

I closed my eyes and unplugged the earphones, looking over at the screen and opening my eyes. "Wanna come over?"

"We'd love to!" Amber smiled before the screen went black.

I closed my laptop and groaned. "Amber is the cheerleader captain I was telling you about—"

She squealed and ran down, yelling something like, "Daniella! Averys crush is coming over!" I rolled my eyes and sighed. This is not going to be fun.

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