"Listen!" This time I banged on his desk with my fist.

He jumped a little but composed himself soon.

"What!" I could see newly formed rage in his eyes.

"No one messes with me!" I said and sprayed pepper i was clutching in my hands into his eyes.

He screamed with pain and i ran out of the class. It had been long since I had done that. I ran to ladies bathroom and threw the pepper can in dust bin. It was almost over when i searched for it yesterday. But thankfully it did the work. I washed my hands and went out of the bathroom.

Blake's POV

I was in the bathroom doing my deeds and I was about to get out of the bathroom stall when i saw Cara came into bathroom. Not just came but ran. So I went inside the stall again and peeked through a small hole. She threw the pepper can she always used into the dustbin. I was so sure she had done something that would get her into trouble. She always did. After she went out of the bathroom, I also exited bathroom shortly later and went to physics class. I knew there was the guy she sprayed pepper on. Austin was there rubbing his eyes. If you're wondering how did I know the guy was Austin, it's because he's the one who messed with Cara. No one has messed with her in long time. And if you're wondering why am I here it's to help him. Again if you're wondering why am I helping him it's because I like him. But I never dared to tell this to Cara because I was sure she would either tease me or break our friendship. I didn't want that to happen. Cara is my only friend who supported me when I needed and I didn't want her to go far away from me.

I covered my face with a scarf, revealing just my eyes, so that he can't identify me. I helped Austin to get up and took him to the nurse for medication. But nurse was not there and Austin was rubbing his eyes too much so I tried to help him myself.

I took him to sink and instructed him to wash his eyes thoroughly. He finally stopped rubbing his eyes. His eyes were so red as if he had some eye disease. I made him sit in the chair and took out the first aid box from the rack. I was trying to find some kind of eye drop to relief his eyes. Then I saw he was staring at me trying to find out who I was. I felt little uncomfortable that time. But I ignored it and continued find the eye drop.

After I found tge eye drop I handed it to him and told him to apply it in his eyes. Austin thanked me. I still had the scarf covered my face. When I was about to exit, the scarf fell from my face and now that there was no scarf covering my face Austin could recognize who am I.

Austin stopped me in my path and asked, "You are the friend of same girl who sprayed pepper in my eyes, right ?" I stood there frozen.

"Ye...yeah. But I didn't knew she was about to that. If I had known i would have stopped her. I'm really sorry what Cara did." I was just babbling there because it seemed like Austin wasn't listening to me at all.

"Oh wow! One friend sprays pepper and another friend comes and helps and says 'SORRY'. Just perfect for each other." I could sense the sarcasm and  anger in his reply. It hurt me a lot.

After Austin left the medication room, I was standing there still. I couldn't stop myself from bursting into tears. At that mean time Cara entered the medication room and I hurriedly wiped my tears but I guess she had seen the tears in my eyes.

Cara's POV

When I couldn't see Blake around, I went to search her. Then I heard some students talking that a girl had helped Austin but the girl had covered her face with scarf. I was sure that girl was not other than Blake because she was such a 'social worker' who keep helping others. Though she tries to be cruel in front of me but I know she is not.

I went to medication room and there she stood with tears in her eyes. After seeing me there, she hurriedly wiped her tears away. Somehow maybe I knew reason behind her tears. It was not other than Austin.

I furiously exited the room and went to cafeteria as our lunch break was going on. There he sat with his mouth full of french fries and cheese sandwich. How could he sit there in such a relaxing way after hurting my best friend. I went straight to the table where Austin was sitting.

I grabbed him by his collar and asked, "What is your problem? Why did you hurt Blake when she had helped you?"

"You are my problem. Just because of you I was forced to shout at her" he screamed.

"If I'm your problem then deal with me not her. Don't you dare to hurt or shout at her next time otherwise consequences won't be good at all. Remember my each and every word."

After that I pushed Austin towards the table and left the cafeteria. There was pin drop silence in the cafeteria. The sound of my heel was echoing in the cafeteria.

I went to search Blake all around the school but she was not there. I even tried to call her but she didn't pick the phone. I was worried for her. I quickly left the school with my car towards Blake's house.


This is the edited version. So if you re-read this, there might be some slight changes. Love you and thank you for all the supports.

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