Chapter 13: Flat-linning

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''What in God's name are you doing here?'' Chris asks when I step into the set. He has his Thor costume on. "Why aren't you there with her?''

''Its done, I told her that it would be better if we just stopped seeing each other.'' I answer not really wanting to talk about Sia.

I sit in my chair waiting for my make up artist to come. ''Tom, what the hell are you doing here?!'' Natalie asks flustered.

''I broke up with Sia once and for all okay? She's better without me. I don't deserve her and she deserves better than me.''

''Stop beating yourself over that. Just man up and tell her already. You loved her Tom and you still do.'' She pauses. ''And remember that the scene where Jane slaps Loki is coming up and I will slap you so hard that you will see stars if you don't get your butt over there with her.''

I look at the two of them and realize that I should go there. I love her so much. I should just go there and apologize. She looked so confused and hurt that it took everything I had to close the door behind me that day.

''Fine,'' I stand up, ''I will go there.''

Chris smiles and slaps me on the back. ''Go get her.''


Tobia's POV:

We are sitting in the observatory room. Apparently we can watch while Sia gets the surgery. I don't want to watch but I have to be here with mom and dad. I love my sister so much that the thought of losing her one more time is unbearable.

When she met Tom the first time she came back home with puppy eyes and she giggled at everything. I knew that she liked him but I never realized the impact he would have on her. After the accident after they "met" again, she seemed happier. I don't know if she was, but it was what I noticed. I just cannot believe he threw her away like that. She cried and she has never cried for anyone, ever. So I knew as I was holding her as she silently cried into my shoulder, I knew that she loved him and that she missed him.

My mom and dad look pale as their eyes are set on Sia's unconscious body. I cannot watch when the doctor approaches her ready to cut her open.

I close my eyes and bury my head between my hands. I try to think of anything else. I remember when Sia and I were seven and we were on the porch swing while Jaz took her bath.

''Do you think daddy will come back?'' She asks. The last time she saw dad was a year and a half ago. Since then she only talked to him by phone.

''I don't know Ciara.'' I tell her. Her green eyes mist with tears and I run my hand through her black curls. ''Maybe some day.''

''I haven't heard his voice since last week.'' She says sadly. ''What if he left forever?''

''He didn't, trust me.'' I tell her. She nods and I hug her. I have cried almost every night since dad left but not Ciara. She's probably the most beautiful, strong girl I have ever met.

''I miss his voice.'' She says.

I snap back to reality when I hear the monitor beeping wildly. I look at the clock, only a half hour has gone by. ''Her heart rate is dropping!'' The doctor says as all the nurses start scurrying around her. I stand up and watch hopelessly as the monitor turns into a straight line.

''No, Sia. Come on.'' I mutter under my breath. ''Don't give up, don't leave me please.''

Suddenly, Tom barges in through the door panting. Jaz stands up and hugs him.

''Tom, thank god you're here.'' She says. He kisses the top of her head and looks down at Sia's room. His eyes go wide with panic when he sees the flat line. Sia wasn't the only one who loved Tom. Tom was the brother Jaz never had. He was a better brother to her than I was.

''What's going on?'' He asks. ''What is going on?!'' I place my hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down. He looks wildly at me and I can see all the fear in his eyes. He does truly love her. There is no time to be mad at him right now, we have to be there for Sia.

Her body convulses when they try to revive her but her heart doesn't do anything. Tom's hand is on the glass seperating him from her and his head is bent downward.

''I'm so sorry Sia. I love you, please don't leave me now. I am so sorry.'' I hear him muttering over and over again.

A deep darkness envelopes the room when her heart doesn't start.

Your Voice (A Tom Hiddleston Fan Fic) by: elisabet_lopezWhere stories live. Discover now