Chapter 5: Staying The Night...again

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Today I wake up at six in the morning to advance in the work I missed at school. The school managed to dismiss some of the work like in Biology, History and Religion. I still have to do some of the major Mathematics projects, perform infront of the Arts class and I have to complete some other major projects in Literature. Today I worked three hours of Calculus, two hours of Literature, practiced one hour for my performance and just kept doing that until I noticed the sky getting dark. I had worked from 6:00 am to 8:34 pm.

I feel exhausted and my brain can't do another equation even if my life depended on it.

I have kept Tom's jacket for days now, and the smell is fading away. Yesterday they removed the cast on my arm so I plan to drive to his apartment and leave it there. Hopefully he will be done filming for the day.

I re-touch my make up and spray on some perfume. I feel like a ninth grader again getting ready to see a guy I might have a crush on.

As I drive I remember the day I had a pillow fight with Tobias. I remembered doing that as children. Both of us used to wear braces and we were even more immature than we are now. I remember fighting in his room, it looks more like a kid's room than a teenager's. I also remember Jazmine was a year younger than us so we left her out a lot. That's all I recall.

I felt a pang of guilt, and I still do, every time I think about it. Tobias and I are the same age so we spent a lot of time together while poor Jazmine was left alone. Was I a good sister? Were she and I close? Did she hate me? Did I look after her like I was supposed to?

The condo comes to view and I park my car in front.

I take the stairs because I don't trust the elevator. It turns out the security didn't show up to help us until after several hours. By the time I get to Tom's hall I am panting but luckily I am not sweating.

I knock on the door and after a few moments he opens it. He looks even better than before. Somehow God decided to send this British man to torture me with his good looks. The sight of him makes my stomach clench in nervousness.

That wicked smile lights up his face once he sees me standing there. ''Hey Sia, how are you?''

''I'm good thank you. I came to return your jacket.'' I awkwardly stand there with his jacket in my hand.

''Thank you darling...I see your arm is okay.'' He says taking the jacket form my hands.

''Yeah they took the cast off yesterday...any who, I think I should go now.'' I start to walk away and I am about to press the elevator button when...

"Wait.'' I hear him say. I turn around and see him leaning on the door. He is doing that on purpose. He knows he's good looking and he knows how to stand to make girls nervous. Hot people know they are hot. And he definitively knows it.

''Do you want to come in? I mean...uh...we, uh, never finished the book.''

''Uh...'' Should I? ''Sure, I guess.'' Mom won't care where I am and I haven't spoken to Tobias since he forgot to pick me up. Jazmine...well, she probably doesn't even know I'm out.

He smiles and lets me go through the door. The apartment is beautiful and smells like him.

We stand there awkwardly, his hands inside the pockets of his dark jeans. His black shirt hugs him in all the right places. ''Do you want something to drink?'' He asks signaling for me to sit on the huge leather couch.

''Sure, I'll drink whatever.'' I turn to look at the flat screen and just sit there while I hear him shuffle around in the kitchen. He appears moments later with a Vanilla Coke in his hands. How did he know? Tobias told me Vanilla Coke is my favorite thing in the world, I always ask for it.

''Thank you." I say cheering up instantly. He sits beside me as I chug the Coke. When I'm done, I notice he's looking at me intensely. I just look back at him and my body lights up with tingles as I stare into his beautiful eyes. No, the word beautiful doesn't do them justice.

''What?'' I ask him.

He shakes his head, "Nothing, sorry..."

"Listen, I have a question.'' I tell him. "Why are you being so nice to me? Not that I don't appreciate it...I'm just curious because superstars don't tend to be so nice according to Tobias, you people tend to be assholes-'' I stop and my whole face turns red ''Oh I didn't mean to call you an asshole-''

His charming laugh stops me. ''It's okay love, I understand. Now, to answer your seem like a fascinating person and...uh, I guess I just like you.'' He smiles innocently and my insides just melt.

'', are we going to keep reading the book?'' I ask trying to fill in the awkward silence. ''Actually, I don't remember anything so would you mind starting from the beginning?''

''I'd be incredibly happy to start from the beginning.'' He says flipping through the pages.

I like watching him read. The way his eyelashes move when his eyes land on a new word. The way the words sound flowing out of his mouth. As if he himself had written if the words were made for the him...

I am lost in the story and the sound of his voice and soon my eyes start to feel heavy. I yawn and he stops talking.

''Are you tired? Do you want for me to take you home?" He asks tucking away the book. I shake my head.

''No, I think I can drive.'' I yawn and get off the couch but I stagger a little bit.

''Are you sure you should be driving like this?'' He asks holding on to me by the small of my back. I nod and check my watch, 11:47 pm. Oh no, mom won't let me go in the house at this time. She told me specifically that she locks the house at ten. Tobias said he has been locked out of his house about a dozen times before.

''Shit.'' I mutter.

''What's wrong?" He asks.

''I'm locked out already, mom locks the house at ten and it's nearly midnight. I guess I better go. You need to work tomorrow too so I won't bother you anymore.''

''You could stay here.'' He says quietly. I start to panic a little Tom Hiddleston asking for me to stay here with him? Is he one of those killers who acts charming before stabbing his victims to death? Maybe. Am I overthinking the situation? Definitely.

''Are you going to kill me in my sleep?'' I ask.

He chuckles, ''You are a funny girl.''

So after arguing about who stays in his bed and who stays on his couch, I win so I stay in the couch. That's when I realize he never said no to the question I asked him about killing me in my sleep.

At about four in the morning I feel someone carrying me to the bedroom. His strong arms hold me close to his chest where I press my face against it. I feel him gently place me in his bed. It's even more comfortable than I remembered it. I curl into a ball and he places a blanket over me. I don't know if I dream this but, before he leaves he presses the sweetest, gentlest kiss on my forehead and he whispers in a broken voice, ''I am so sorry.''

Your Voice (A Tom Hiddleston Fan Fic) by: elisabet_lopezHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin