Chapter 8: Emergency

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I wake up the next morning at 2:00 because my phone is vibrating. Tom is gone and the whole house is silent. I look at the text I get from Tobias.

We just got to the ER, mom and I had to drive her here. Come immediately.

Why did Jazmine have to go to the hospital? What did she do? I have to get there.

I test my legs before I  quickly change and pull my hair in a messy bun and I stumble/run to my car. My legs feel as weak as jelly but I'm too worried about Jazmine to care.

My shaky hands wrap tightly around the wheel and I start to panic. What if I crash again? Oh god no, I'm panicking now, how convenient. I have to be calm in order to drive well but I'm too worried about mom, Tobias and Jazmine.

I take a deep breath but my whole body feels numb and shaky. My hand reaches down to grab the keys and turns them. My feet scramble to press the right pedals and when I grab the wheel, my hands seem to turn the wrong way. The car jerks backward before jerking forward sending my head flying forward.

I sigh shakily and take my sweaty palms off the wheel and decide that I can't drive. I look though the contact list on my phone to look for Tobia's number. That's when I see Tom's number. He might have punched it in while I was asleep. I also notice and unread message sent hours ago, probably after he left my house

Call me whenever you need me. I will always be there for you love.

I hesitate to press the call button because....because....what if he's sleeping? He needs to work and I'd be bothering him. I try to call Tobias as I'd originally planned, but it sends me to voice mail.

What other choice do I have? I don't have mom's number so I guess I have to call Tom.

My shaky fingers tap his name and my heart starts pounding even faster with anxiety. I think I might be hyperventilating now and the car seems to be too small for my comfort.

''Hello?'' The sound of his voice immediately reminds me that I'm not alone. Shit, but it sounded like he was just sleeping.

''Tom?'' I can't help my voice from cracking halfway through his name.

''Sia, are you okay?'' All the sleepiness is gone, replaced by a genuinely concerned tone when he hears my voice.

''Yeah, uh...sorry, I just...'' I take in a shaky breath trying to ignore the fact that the air is getting too thin in the car. ''My mom and Tobias had to take Jazmine to the hospital, god knows why. And I can't drive. I don't know why now, but I just can't drive Tom. Could you...could you come get me please?''

''Did you panic in your car?'' He asks as if he had experienced it too.

''Yes, I'm still in here and I can't seem to breathe.'' I say looking around my tiny car. It seems like its shrinking by the second and closing around me. ''If I could get out, I would but my legs won't let me.'' We stay silent for a few seconds before I hear the door of his car shut. ''I am so sorry Tom.'' I say with a defeated tone. He's being too nice, he cares too much about me...he shouldn't.

''Don't worry love, I'm on my way.'' The line goes dead and I shove my phone into my pocket, determined to at least get out of the car.

Several stumbles later, I manage to sit down on the bench in the front porch of my house. I wrap the jacket around me and notice how dark and cold the morning is. Moments later, a shiny black car pulls up.

He comes out and he runs towards me. He's wearing a red button up shirt and normal black jeans, and somehow he manages to look like a model. Even with his messy hair, which somehow makes him look even more adorable.

Your Voice (A Tom Hiddleston Fan Fic) by: elisabet_lopezOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora