New Years Kiss

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I'm on a road trip with Jared, Shannon, Tomo, and Tomo's wife, Shannon had just broke up with his girlfriend. We where in a very large, tank like, van. Shannon being the one driving, Tomo and his wife in the middle seat cuddling, and in the back was me and Jared. I'm tired so in two seconds I find a pillow-like item, which just so happens to be Jared's shoulder. As I'm dosing off I feel an arm drape around my shoulder, and I hear Shannon yell, "Get a room you two!".

When I wake up Jared's head is leaning on mine and his arm fell from my shoulder to my waist, his hand cupping my waist, and I hear slight snoring coming from Jared. All the sudden Shannon slams on brakes and after we almost stop Shannon honks his horn and curses loudly at the car in front of us, waking Jared up.

"Shannon! Shut the fuck up and drive," Jared sleepily yells at Shannon who, in return rolls his eyes at the tired Jared. Jared looks over at me, still leaning on his shoulder, and smiles at me making my checks turn a reddish collar. We finally get to Washington D.C., where Thirty Seconds To Mars is going to be playing at.

We hop out of the car and walk in. Jared had gave me a free front ticket. We weren't together, but we damn sure act like we are a couple. It was New Years Eve and we are gonna have the best one ever. It might also be the worst; because, at midnight I plan on telling Jared that I love him. I'm so nervous. Everyone is in the huge building and it took longer than we thought to get everyone in, and its almost midnight. There goes my chance at telling him.

Jared starts to sing City Of Angels, my favorite song by them, and when its done he pauses glancing at Shannon and Tomo. Tomo's wife, who is sitting beside me, giggles and smiles saying, "You know what? Jared really likes you." I shake my head 'no'.

"Nah. We're just friends," I say softly, I hurt just knowing that Jared has a 99.99% chance of never asking me out. Jared takes the microphone off the microphone stand and walks over to my seat. He reaches his hand down, I take it and he helps me up.

"Hey," Jared yells to the crowd, "5...4..." people start counting with him "3...2...1!" Then, so unexpectedly, Jared leans in and kisses me as the audience yells zero.

I take this as my chance and say softly, "I love you, Jared." He smiles and kisses me a second time giving me major butterflys.

"(Y/n) will you be mine?" I nod and this time it's me who's kissing him.

~~Time Skip~~

After the consert we go out to a restaurant, and this time it's different because we're on a date. Jared looks at me, with his baby blue gorgeous eyes, and says "I loved this New Years, I think I'll love the next one more. 'Cause we would be together still next New Years." I smile at him being adorable and also because I somehow know we are going to be together a long time after this moment maybe get married and have kids one day.
Who knows what the future brings?

Hello lovelies! I'm so sorry that I did not get that Christmas Special done. I live in a shit of a house, so I had zero inspiration to do it, and if I make myself write it turns out not as good as I hoped it would have. I did, however, have inspiration to do this one because since Christmas at 3 o'clock I have been away from the hell hole called a house. As I look at what I have accomplished I feel very warm inside 'cause I love the fact that people love my stories and want more. Hell, when I was writing this I looked back on the stories in the past, and I see how far I've come. I used to write 'I' at the beginning of every sentence. Now I look at my progress and think of when I started the whole thing. It was in July near my birthday and I am so happy that I decided to create my account. I've had big accounts vote for this story and I love that no matter what Jared Leto fans are in it together. Okay I've talked to much. Christmas next year the special will be completed. Why don't you share my books and account to someone who would like them? I love all you lovelies, and I will see you in the next update! Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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