Co-Stars~Part Two

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Everyone looks away, finally. I look at Margot. "Why the hell did you say that?"

She shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know. Seemed like something funny to say at the time."

I roll my eyes. Margot's nice but she can be a real piece of work.

We film and everything's okay other than the occasional stares at my costume from Jared. That would be fine but it's that my costume looks like a v-neck, strapless, bathing suit that's been covered in green leaves. So its awkward, to say the least.

After we are done filming I have Jordyn (jgordon32) straighten my hair and do my normal makeup again.

"Thanks Jordyn! See you tomorrow," I yell waving her goodbye.

"See ya," she yells back waving as best as she can with trying to put her stuff away.

"Hey (Y/n)!" I hear my name from across the room and see Jared.

"Sup Weirdo," I call back to him as he walks over to me.

"Heh. Hey, do you wanna get some coffee or something, maybe lunch?" I think about his question.

"Sure," I say with enthusiasm.

"It's a date. I'll text you to figure out the details," he confidently says to me.

Hello lovelies! This is part 2 and the last part! Why don't you share my books to someone who would like them? I love all you lovelies and I will see you in the next update. Byyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee!

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