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I live in Gotham City my dads Batman, but I've always been more of a supervillain girl myself. My all time favorite was Joker. I knew his real name, Jared, but anytime someone knows that he kills them.

Right now I'm walking down the street trying to find my dad and I feel as if someone's watching me. I look behind me but see no one.

I finally get home and go up into my room. I see a necklace sitting on my pillow and the paintings of Joker I painted are in a smiling face on the floor. I look at the necklace, in green it says 'Joker' and has pretty designs.

Underneath the necklace there is a piece of paper that says, 'Hey Doll. Don't worry Joker is gonna save you from that stupid Bat. I'm coming to get you, Baby.'

I back away from the bed putting the necklace on and hiding it under the collar of my shirt.

Someone knocks on my door so I hide the paintings, that where on the floor, in the closet. I open the door to see my best friend, (F/n).

"Come on in (F/n)," I laugh out, "How did you even get in?"

"Your dad," she quickly replied.

I say a mental 'Oh yeah' and do a mental face palm because of my stupidity.

Suddenly I hear a bunch of banging downstairs. (Not like that dirty mind) I run out my bedroom door and to the railing of the staircase and (F/n) follows. My dad and Joker are fighting in my living room.

"(Y/n), (F/n) stay back," he commanded while struggling with Joker, hot Joker.

Joker practically lit up when he heard my name.

Next thing I know my dad has pinned Joker as his gun shoots. I turn to where it was shot.

(F/n) was shot. I catch her as she is falling.

I start to get mad at my dad. I lay
(F/n) on the ground.

I take the gun, that is only for protection, and start shooting at my dad. My dad dashes out of the house.

"Hey Doll! Ya know what? Imma call ya Harely," he states and I nod my head in agreement and smile at him.

Then I do something so unexpected, I kiss him.

Hey lovelies! I love this chapter!!!! I'm such a geek! Why don't you share my books to someone who would like them? I love all you lovelies and I will see you in the next update! Byyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee!

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