Chapitre Douze: Meurtrier Masqué

Start from the beginning

I glare at a gargoyle and take the sword at my side, Raoul's sword that I stole and start hacking at it in anger.  I continue to hit the gargoyle with it trying to relieve my anger but it was not working.  I needed something else, I smirk turning around towards the Phantom who steps back looking at me with more worry I could ever think he would display.  He steps back again when I lunge towards him with the sword.

"What are you doing," he asks me worried.

"What are you doing Monsieur Phantom? I am pointing a sword at you yet you do nothing," I say back at him lunging towards him again.

"I will not fight you.  What is wrong?  You are not acting like yourself," he asks again stepping back but this time his hand is on the hilt of his sword.

"Nothing is wrong Monsieur.  But you deny your statement of not fighting me when you hand is on the hilt of your sword," I growl at him, losing some of the senses I usually have, taking a few steps towards the man.

He takes a step back drawing his sword.  I smirk and lunge towards him our blades connecting.  It back him into a corner him taking defense and I offense, but it quickly switches and I am stepping back and he forward.  This continues for a few minutes until I jump behind a gargoyle blocking his view of me.  He leans over and looks between the cracks, I look at him smirk then duck down so he can not see me.  The Phantom looks around and I jump out fighting him once again, nothing but anger in my eyes.  I see the worry in the Phantom's eyes as we duel.  My brain just does not register anything as we fight, like when I fought the bakery boys.  My brain and eyes were foggy and I did not try to fight it.  I let it consume me as I fought the Phantom, the one person I do not want to loose.  I soon have the Phantom backed back into a corner and I quickly swipe my leg tripping him making him fall.  I step on his hand making him release his sword, I kick it out of the way.  I smirk a cruel smirk down at him and I see many emotions flash through his eyes.  With my foggy brain I can not pick them out,  the next thing I know I have my blade pointed to his neck.  

His eyes reflect off of mine, frantically searching them.  I look into his eyes quickly raising my sword, I see him flinch but I drop my sword and walk backwards from him not knowing what just happened.  It was just when I killed one of the bakery boys.  I lost control and did not know what I was doing.  I see the Phantom stand up, he looks over to me with my frantic and scared eyes.  He slowly walks over to me but I walk back from him, not out of fear of him, why would I be afraid of him, but out of fear of myself.  I can not hurt the one person who does not mind being around me, who seems to want to me around me.

"Get back," I say jumping backwards.  "I am not afraid of you, don't think that.  I am afraid of myself."

He continues to advance towards me, "Well I am not afraid.  What happened?"

I feel my feet stop moving and he advances more towards me so we are only a few feet from each other, "I do not know what just happened... It is the same thing that happened when..."

"When..." he questions looking for answers his hands holding me in arms length.

"Do you know the wanted murder Paris is looking for, the one that killed on of the baker's sons," I ask him.

He nods and says dropping his hands to his sides, "Yes of course I know, it is the talk of Paris right now.  What do you mean by it?"

I close my eyes slightly and look back up to him, "Have you ever seen the drawing and description of the murderer?  You probably have not because if you had you would not be standing this close to me."

He shakes his head confused at what I was saying, "What do you mean?"

I shake my head slightly then smile and laugh out of madness, "I am the one they are looking for Monsieur.  I killed one of the baker's sons.  I am the murder they are all looking for.  I killed him with his own blade."

He does not back away as suspected instead he advances closer to me putting his hands on my shoulders, shaking his head, "Why did you do it?"

I look up at him shocked because I really thought he would have either killed me himself or got away from me.  I look up at him shaking my head again, "I would never have killed him if I did not have a motive."

He looks down at me with worrying eyes, "If you do not mind, can you tell me why you killed him?"

My eyes suddenly turn dark and I turn back around towards Paris, "They are the reason I must wear a mask, Phantom.  I use to steal from them before, basic things most things that were going to be thrown out anyway.  They were chasing me for years, but when Madame Giry threw me out they found out and found me.  I had them at first but then one of them, Hugo pulled out a knife.  The other one, Nolan beat me then held me, covering my mouth as Hugo took his knife and dug it into my skin," I freeze up and wipe a small tear that was trying to come out.    "They tortured me and ran the knife down my face again and again and again.  Then when I was weak Nolan dropped me and lit something on fire and threw it at me, burning my face.  I couldn't do anything to stop them, I was powerless.  I made a small vow with myself that I would never let someone hurt me again, I would never be so powerless that something would happen.  So as they were walking away in triumphant I felt a surge of anger and energy, I saw Hugo's knife within grasp and killed him with it.  It scared the other one enough but I couldn't go get him before people showed up and I was forced to hide, still in pain.  He deserved to die.  He hurt me so I hurt him back.  I would have not done it if it was not what had to be done.  But again, like my parents, they made me like I am now."  

The Phantom does the last thing I would think he would do, he hugged me.  His strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me into his chest.  I stood their in shock for a second, but returned the hug after the shock washed away.  He let go of me and placed me in arms length once again, "Are you okay?"

I laugh and nod, "I am sorry for what just happened, with the sword fight.  I do not know what happened.  It was like... it was like... when I killed Hugo.  I couldn't think, something just took over and I did not know what was going on."

He nods walking away towards the door with me following him, "We should go back.  Before someone sees both of us."

"Yes, what would someone do if they saw both the suppose to be dead Phantom of the Opera and Paris's wanted murder sitting on the Opera House's roof at night," I say laughing.

"What a sight that would be," he responds chuckling softly.

Une personne qui a beaucoup de colère à l'intérieur, aime certainement les gens plus que quiconque peut.  En raisno de las couleur rouge indique la colère, pluis il a indiqué l'amour aussi.

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