Chapter 2

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Victoria P.O.V

"You better have my homework done at 5 p.m. sharp tonight, understand Cherie?" I say to Courtney as I'm filing my nails at my door. "Sure, no problem Victoria", Courtney responds back quickly, still standing there while holding my books and notebooks. "What the fuck are you standing there for?! Get to it!", I yell back. "Right...of course sorry Victoria" she says bowing before running off with my stuff. 'My friends are idiots' I think before closing my door.

Today, I was gonna finally give Maxine a sense of fashion since well she doesn't have one, "she'll probably look at me with those cute big blue eyes" I say finishing filing my nails halting 'wait,what am I saying? get a hold of yourself Victoria'. I shake my head because why do I care? "she will also give me that look that she does all the time like I kicked her puppy or something like that too" I say to no one in particular. 'I swear she never looks that way towards Kate or that blue haired chick she always hang out with'. I stand there thinking more about the strange brunette across me when I hear my phone ring, I look to see who it is and it's my best friend Nathan. 'Hmm, I wonder what he wants' thinking as I pick up the phone.

Phone Conversation

Victoria: hey Nate, what's up?

Nathan: Let's hang out like old times, I haven't seen you since they had me walking out of school in handcuffs and you haven't visited me since I've gotten out either

Victoria: I'm sorry Nate, I've been busy with school and stuff, but let me get ready then I'll be over there shortly

Nathan: Cool, see you then

Victoria: Yeah

End of Phone Conversation

Good thing I woke up earlier this morning and got to the showers first. I checked my makeup and hair in my mirror, perfect as always. and my outfit is perfect as usual. I checked my phone clock, "hmm I guess I have enough time to grab a coffee before meeting with Nathan" I say to myself before leaving out. I'll admit things haven't been good for him lately, since they arrested him after finding out that he drugged Kate Marsh, when his father found out the news he said he was ruining the family name and almost disowned him. But this month, he had been released from prison when they found out who the real mastermind behind the operation was... It was Mark well Mr. Jefferson. I can't believe I was stupid enough to seduce him for a stupid photo contest.

Walking to my car, I see that blue haired chick talking to Rachel Amber...Yeah she's back, it was determined that the body they found buried in the junkyard wasn't her. She had apparently ran away from Nathan and Mr. Jefferson before they could kill her but it's whatever, she's back and ready to have everyone fawning over her like before. As I'm walking by them, I notice that they have stopped talking and the blue haired chick was smirking at me, I send her a scowl then continue walking towards my silver Porsche that my parents got me for my birthday.

I go to the nearest cafe and get my usual soy nonfat vanilla latte, as I'm leaving for Nate's house I notice something is missing..."Shit! I forgot my camera in my room" I exclaim turning around, I was going to bring it to take some pictures, I figured I could always use some more for my portfolio.

The drive from the cafe to Blackwell isn't that far, I make it there in record time then rush up to my room. I was looking at my phone to text Nathan that I would be there soon when suddenly I bump into a force and spill my coffee on my cashmere sweater, I look up to see who it is and it's fucking Caulfield. I yell at her about ruining my cashmere sweater and she tries to help out, it's like her to help out and be a Good Samaritan however I'm not in the mood for her charade. Looking at my phone I see it's almost noon and I should be at Nathan's by now. So I just dismiss Caulfield and rush out the dorms without changing my sweater. I get into my car and drive to Nathan's hoping this visit will make my day better.

I arrive at Nathan's house and it still looks the same from when I was here a few months ago for a party, but that was when everything wasn't messed up...I walk up the long driveway and notice no cars in the driveway I guess his father decided to trust him to be alone for a few hours, I knock on the door and hear footsteps. He opens the door and has a smile on his face, I notice he has bags under his eyes. 'Looks like he isn't getting much sleep' I think before giving him a warm hug.

"Vic, long time no see!" He says after hugging back. He guides me into the house to the entertainment room our usual hangout when it's just the two of us. "Hey Nate, you look better", I reply with a small smile and it's true since before the Kate incident, he wasn't good with all the drugs he had in his system. We sit and chat for about 20 minutes about life and school and our messed up parents.

I manage to look and check my phone seeing that it's almost 12:30 'I should head out soon, but ehh whatever Caulfield can wait'. I hear Nate jabbing on about what happened in prison or with his father I don't know, I sometimes half pay attention when he talks because it was usually conspiracy theories. I stop his jabbing to announce that I have to leave soon for the shopping trip with Caulfield.

"Hey Nate, I need to go soon" I say standing up.

"Sure, it was fun hanging out with you again", he responds back smiling.

"Yeah, it's been fun! Nice seeing you again" I smile back.

"Soooo...what have you got planned for the day?" He questions...he was always the nosy type.

"Psh, oh nothing just going to Portland Mall with a friend" I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Who is it?", He asks.

"MaxCaulfield" I quickly say under my breath.

"Who?", He says again.

I sigh and say again but slower and cringing "Maxxxxxx...Caulllffieeeeldddd".

Nathan starts cracking up and it goes on for a minute or two before he catches his breath, "Ohh Vic, you are hilarious with your jokes but seriously, who is it?" he responds after punching me in the arm. I rub my arm with a pained look nervously laughing and repeat what I said. Suddenly, he reacts standing up and paces back and forth going on a childlike tangent about how this is just some blackmail scheme that her and her friends have on me and that she fucking sucks and is most likely doing this for popularity. But I stop him trying to convince him that a lot has changed at Blackwell since he was locked up, but no matter how much I try to convince him, he still doesn't believe me. I take that as my cue to leave.

As I'm leaving, I hear him say under his breath that I'll need a miracle with her. I roll my eyes and give him a wave saying I'll visit again soon.

Getting into my car, I shoot out a text to Caulfield saying I'll be a little late and meet me by the parking lot. When I get there, I see her with blue haired girl and Rachel.I see them shaking hands, 'hmm I'll drill her about that later' I hook my horn to get her attention and she sees me then waves goodbye to them and walks towards my she gets into my car, I see she is wearing her usual cheap looking clothes...'Typical Caulfield'. I hope she's prepared for the makeover of her life. I wait for her to put her seat belt on and start driving to the mall.

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