Chapter 24- Cherry Flavored Syrup

Comenzar desde el principio

(a/n: much like us, Army's,  when we try to figure out what the hell is the message behind every thing the boys do)

"aaah, never mind," Jungkook waves you off and you shoot the others a questioning look but they all stay silent. 

"Okay, now that things are clear,"  you stand up from your seat, "I'm going to get some rest,"  you say and head out of the living room.
"Check your temperature!" you hear Jimin yell, and you take a step back to peek your head in the living room, giving the most confused look you've ever given to anyone. 

"Jimin what are you doing?" You ask referring to his strange and sudden caring behavior. 

"Just practicing, you know" he tries to say nonchalantly, but his blushing cheeks ruin the image. 

You decide to let this slide, not in the mood to take it any further, "Okay..."

"Oh! It might happen faster than I thought"  Jungkook whispers to Tae, and the both snicker together. 

"Huh?" you peek your head back in again. 

"Nothing go check your temperature" Tae waves you off, and you head to the kitchen. 

After you manage to find the thermometer you place it inbetween your arm pit and lazily wait for it to signal you that the time is up. Once it happens you pull it out to see what it has counted. Your eyes go wide when you see the number. 



You search around for the Cherry Flavored Syrup you have but it's no where to be seen. You do recall Eun-bi breaking something the other day but you don't exactly know what. One thing is sure, the floor was sticky for four days. 

You head back to the living room and lean on the door frame, "Eun-bi what happened to the Cherry Syrup?"

 Everyone's attention turns on you and Eun-bi's eyes go wide, she totally forgot she had to replace that bottle of syrup with a new one, since she broke the previous. 

"Um.. I dont know what you're talking about..." Eun-bi says avoiding your gaze. 

"You broke it, didn't you? That's why the floor was so sticky for four days," you mumble and Hoseok gasps, being the clean-freak he is. 

"I forgot to replace it" she admits knowing she can't escape her faith and looks at you apologetically,

"It's okay," You give her a smile, "Does anyone wanna make a small trip to the drugstore?"  you grin awkwardly in hope that someone is kind enough to do you the favor and get their but out in the cold, but given the fact that they are all selfish demons (just kidding) they don't offer their aid,

"Seriously?"  you ask giving your poker face. 

"It's too cold out there!" Jungkook whines, while he hugs on of your pillows. 

"Yah! Jimin, be a good boyfriend and go to the drugstore for your girlfriend" Seok-Jin mockingly orders and you find yourself feeling weird at this statement. 

Being called someone's girlfriend is new to you, and you haven't figured out whether you should welcome this title or push it away. Well, at this point you can't really push it away, you've already made a promise any besides at some point you'll have to get used to it. 

"Aaigooo!! Don't start the teasing!" Jimin whines while he buries his face in hands in embarssment. 

He's embarrassed? Why is he embarrassed?

Does he always get that shy? Or is it just a momentary thing? Damn, embarrassed Jimin is cute. 

After the last thought, you mentally slap yourself for thinking like this, because you know you shouldn't get attached to him, in any way. At least not until you're sure, he won't be bad in the end. 

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