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Marshall POV
I was now a floating head. Literally. I didn't even have a neck. It has been 3 weeks and princess is so called. "Almost Finished". Me and Marcy enter the lab. I am no longer a floating head I am attached to her body fully. Not only this, but I feel a burning tingling feeling in the back of my head. "Do you feel it too? " I whisper to Marcy. I normally would have just said it but I'm right in her ear. "Feeling like someone is stabbing me in the back of my head yep I feel it. "She whispered back. The pain was spreading and fast. princess turned around, but instead of greeting us she jumped back. "Oh my glob! " The -main was all over rnow and I could physically feel us literally getting bigger. Princess started typing in passwords and giving fingerprints. Marcy was calm but biting her nails. I was not having this! "Hurry up princess! "She put the last fingerprint in and the portal expanded. The last thing I saw was light. A bright orange light. 
Fionna POV
Cake filled me in with all the hand signals she could possibly come up with. Good the we learned sign language. This Gumbutt was gonna try and give me a love potion. Cake was gonna fake it and so was I. I have been planning this. Get on his good side get out of this jail. Then when the time comes ambush him. "Fionna the tea is here. " Cake exclaimed. She swiped her hand over the tea that she was gonna give to me. "What was that Cake? " I asked. We have to make this believable people. "Nothing! Nothing! Just drink the tea! "She said 'hurriedly ' I gave her a 'weird' look. She looked at me in anticipation. I blew on the tea. Then I gulped it down. My head started to feel dizzy. I fell to the ground the last thing I heard is Cake whispering "I didn't do this." Then a violent crash. 
Cake POV
"I knew you couldn't do it ."My head whipped around from Fionna. "I would have thought you would have know that I wasn't dumb enough to not put some more in the tea before you would. " I blinked. "Guards! " Gumball calls. "Take her to the 'water room'. " I clawed, kicked, and bit. His guards still got me. "You are no longer in need Cake so just give in. " He said to me. I spat in his face. "Take her away. " He said with a snarl. I was dragged away. "This is not the last you will see of me! You will see me again!  That was the last thing that was able to come out of my mouth before I was hi over the head. The last thing I saw was Fionna being dragged away, but for a completely different reason. 

Well this was a short teaser chapter that is here to raise questions lol. I got to be dramatic.

Will Marshall Make it?
Will Fionna believe Gumball?
Will Fionna See Marshall Again?
Find out next time on...

Love of A Lifetime

Alright guys I'll get back to making more chapters. Lol

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