Not so known Way

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Marshalls POV

"Wow. " I said "you've  been sitting here for two days straight doing frick frack nothing what the everliving glob! " Impatiently throwing my hands in the air. "What do you want her to do she can't just do things out of thin air! "Finn that bastard said. I slowly turn around, and Fly towards him. "What did you just say to me? "I asked like it was a real question meant to be answered. "You heard me! "He shouted his voice cracking a little at the end.

My feet touch the ground in front of him and next thing I know his neck is in my hand and were against a wall.

"Look bear boy you may have never loved someone before, but when I find someone that I loved its really important that I take care of them. " Marcy And Jake were dragging me back . "You may not understand, but anything could happen to her in the time I'm gone she could be hurt so don't even come to me with any of that. " I was dragged out of the room before I could say anything else. I could Hear the princess sigh "I really need to get this done. "

Fionnas POV( I said I would Didn't I)

I finally found out the reason why cake hadn't come looking for me. she was trapped too. Gumball Moved her into my prison I don't know how long she's been here, but it must have been a while because she didn't even know what day it was. As of right now Gumball had came for his daily ' are you okay ' inspection so cake was looking at the television and I was singing a song from a girl i recently found Named Melanie Martinez I was listening to Alphabet Boy

A-a-aaa, b-b-b-b
A-a-aaa, b-b-b-b
A-a-aaa, b-b-b-b
B-b-b-b, b-b-b, b-b-b-b

Always aiming paper airplanes at me when you're around
You build me up like building blocks just so you can bring me down
You can crush my candy cane but you'll never catch me cry
If you dangle that diploma and I deck you, don't be surprised

I know my ABCs, yet you keep teaching me
I say, fuck your degree, alphabet boy
You think you're smarter than me with all your bad poetry
Fuck all your ABCs, alphabet boy

I'm not a little kid now
Watch me get big now
Spell my name on the fridge now
With all your alphabet toys
You won the spelling bee now,
But are you smarter than me now?
You're the prince of the playground,
Little alphabet boy

A-a-aaa, b-b-b-b
A-a-aaa, b-b-b-b
A-a-aaa, b-b-b-b
B-b-b-b, b-b-b, b-b-b-b

Apples aren't always appropriate apologies
Butterscotch and bubblegum drops are bittersweet to me
You call me a child while you keep counting all your coins
But you're not my daddy and I'm not your dolly
And your dictionary's destroyed

I know my ABCs, yet you keep teaching me
I say, fuck your degree, alphabet boy
You think you're smarter than me with all your bad poetry
Fuck all your ABCs, alphabet boy

I'm not a little kid now
Watch me get big now
Spell my name on the fridge now
With all your alphabet toys
You won the spelling bee now,
But are you smarter than me now?
You're the prince of the playground,
Little alphabet boy

Alphabet boy
My alphabet boy
Alphabet boy
Alphabet boy
My alphabet boy

I'm not a little kid now
Watch me get big now
Spell my name on the fridge now
With all your alphabet toys
You won the spelling bee now,
But are you smarter than me now?
You're the prince of the playground,
Little alphabet boy

A-a-a, b-b-b-b
A-a-a, b-b-b-b-b
A-a-a, b-b-b-b
B-b-b-b, b-b-b-b-b-b-b

(Alphabet boy, oh, alphabet boy)

Alphabet boy

The Next song that came on was a song that described me so much I was actually  almost scared

I'm Frosting I don't need a man to make my life sweet Prince Charming just isn't  the one that I think I need your thirsty you think i give all of my shit for free I'm bursting out laughing at idiocy-y-y-y

I need a gingerbread man the one I'll feed a gingerbread man the one I'll keep one who's always crazy never calls me baby that's the one  I want and all you boys are not Him

Can't you see I only want the ones who never see me ,but I'm happy I love playing these games until my heart bleeds.

I laughed at how true this is . At first I had thought that Marshall never noticed me. Turns out I was wrong the sad thing is I always went for the ones who never see me this is the first time that one of them actually noticed me and I end up locked up with no whereabouts about him

I need a gingerbread man the one I'll feed a gingerbread man the one I'll keep one who's always crazy never calls me baby that's the one  I want and all you boys are not Him

The song ended and I finally noticed Gumball standing there.

"Is that song for me? "He said calmly he asked again louder "IS THAT SONG FOR ME!? "He banged his fist against the wall. "YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY ALL I DO FOR YOU AND YOU DISRESPECT ME!" I stared at him like the crazy he is. "Ummm you kidnapped me. " I looked at him. He stormed out. I fell back on the bed. I hate it here.

Marshalls POV

"What is wrong with me. " I was currently in Marcy's bathroom  looking in the mirror. I was just so off ever since I've been here everything is off and Its not because of Fionna. Something's just ...wrong

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