Different Feelings

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Prince Gumball POV
I moved Cake in With Fionna so there have been less demands lately ,but I can't believe that Fionna would disrespect me singing that song to my face. I try my hardest to be a good kidnapper . She is so ungrateful I would say I'm starting to regret this, but if I bring that Bitey Boy Back I'll be gum on the bottom of his shoe ...literally. I really wish that thus would be a little easier though. I've go it! I'll put a mini fridge in the room their in and only have to go down there to restock it. PB walked in the room. "Is there anything you would like M'Lord. " Ugh I hate when be says that. "Well I'm sorry Mr. Ball. " Ugh that's worse. I'll let it be. "You know one thing that bothers me though? " He tilted his head. "Girls everlasting needs?" I rolled my eyes. "That and that nobody is even questioning Fionna's disappearance. It's very strange. 
Princes Bubblegum POV
"I have never in my years of living seen a vampire love someone." I said in my natural monotone voice. Marshall, Finn, Marcy, and Jake we're all currently sitting in the back of my lab talking and touching things. "Don't touch that Finn." I said . "H-how did you? " I turned around from the Goo I was currently pouring onto a metal I was testing to see if It would withhold. "don't question it. " Marcy said turning the pages in the book she was reading. I turned back around. "Hey about what you said a while ago about 'Never seeing a vampire In love' what does that mean? " I continued working on my experiment. "I just have never seen any type of vampire love something." Marcy got up and left the room grumbling something about ' that's why I need glasses because I'm blind' and 'wow she really can't see' whatever that means. Marshall went quiet again. "I think you guys should go, and come back tomorrow it's getting late. " They stood to leave,and right before Marshall went out the door he said. "You've seen love. You just haven't realized it. " I put my head down before bringing it back up to get to work again. "Your probably right. You just might be right. " I muttered to nobody Marshall has had left a couple of minuets ago. 
Marcy's POV
"Don't worry she'll see soon." Finn said. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah whatever." Marshall floated ahead of us. "Slow down Bitey boy you can't just rush to someone else's house. " He slowed until he stopped. We stopped along side him. His bangs falling over his face. "I don't know how to handle this it feels like my body is frozen ,but something in my chest is blazing and on fire , and I have this major headache. Then I feel like I want to throw up, then cry and that's the weirdest part cause I never cry! Like  ever. Wait did I just say like. Oh glob. "I smiled and posted him on the back. "You sir are feeling love. "He blinked. "UGGGGGHHHH. " he groaned. I laughed as we started walking again. 
Marshall POV
Love. Love... I've said the word love before .It's just... I've never felt it .Ever. Not once. It hurts me. A lot. Why out of all the years I lived and I lived a lot would I suddenly only feel love.Yeah I love Fionna, but I didn't know being away from something you love would hurt like this. I looked up. I was outside staring at a tree I was a good couple of feet away from Marcy's cave. I punched the tree. I kicked it and hit it over and over and over screaming. Marcy was away so no one would hear. After calming down I went inside to see Marcy and Finn sitting on the couch. I floated into the seat across the room. Marcy's eyes followed me. She didn't take them off me until she turned around completely to look at me then they we're glued back on me. I half expect her to say 'have fun abusing my tree? ' but no she just sat there staring. Finn was now staring too. "You look like you've seen a ghost. I there something behind me? " I say half joking half serious. "I wish I would have seen a ghost instead. "  She looked down and so did I ,but not at myself at her. My eyes widened. I quickly look down to where my leg should be but see nothing but air. My leg... Was on her side sticking out like someone had just attached it like a Lego. We both looked at each other for a long time that is until I passed out. 
Marcy's POV
"Marshall? " I floated over and shook him. He was out cold literally his body was freezing and Ghats a lot coming from me. I sighed. "Better go home Finn cause I got stuff to do. "I said throwing Marshall over my shoulder. I turned around Finn was also out. Ugh boys overreact to everything. I was going to Princess she might know how to fix this. 
Fionna POV
Why has nobody figured out I was gone?  I mean I know where cake is but we're is everyone else? "I mean can't  ice queen kidnap that piece of sh- I mean gum? " I said to came who was obviously not listening. She had been getting more and more distant lately like she was pretending to be somewhere else. "CAKE! THE BUILDING IS ON FIRE! "I screamed suddenly. She used to react to this with a quick jump before realizing I was lying. Now she won't even blink. "Fine be like that. " I said. She had been leaving the cell to speak to gumball a lot. These are the times she's the most quiet... I will find out what they are taking of they even are. I can't really tell what they are saying it's always so noisy when she goes up there. here he is now wanting to see her why not me? So I can kill him and make him blow a bubble with his own- nevermind what I was gonna say. As I quietly may down I wonder what they are doing... The last thing I feel is something I never thought I would feel... Alone

Hey everyone... Don't look at me like that this is 1073 words and I have 5 note chapters to write. I gots to go bye 😙

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