I shake my head, "There's only four; fire, air, earth and water." I state and she smiled widely.

"And Life and Death." My eyes widen, controlling water or fire sounds fun but life and death? That would literally destroy a person.

I stand up, "I have to go, I'll be back soon I promise," I say and I lean over and hug her tightly before pulling away.

"Just stay open minded Della." She whispered and I shot her a small smile.

"Hold on, I need to grab you something," She says, picking the white sleeping cat in her arms before disappearing.

I stand there while chewing my lip when she returned with an old looking book, its brown leather case worn out, "This was your fathers, it may answer some questions," She says before pulling me into a small hug.

I leave quickly and catch the bus back into town, I told my Ma and Pa I was headed to the library, they didn't need to know I was in some contact with my biological family, that would make me feel bad.

I lie my head on the window, my loud music pumping into my ears as I watch everything pass by, I found it incredibly beautiful, a mixture of life in a blur yet you see everything happening.

The sky darkened and I knew my adoptive parents wouldn't be home when I finally got there, they usually went out nights after just getting home from work. It didn't bother me, they needed to make a living and still live life. If you looked at Bailey and Charles you'd think they had just fallen in love after 20 years of being together.

I envied them, my mother had an affair with a married man and killed herself while she was pregnant with me, it wasn't anything great to envy.

And although Bailey and Charles gave birth to two demon spawns they were a normal family, something I always dreamed of having after growing up in the orphanage.

I push open the front door and kick off my shoes when suddenly there was shouting, my eyes widened and both Silas and Asher ran out. Asher pulled me into his arms and spun me around, "Don't do that!"

I frown and nearly tumble over when he finally set me back down on the ground, "Do what?" I question while staring at the both of them.

"We thought you went missing again, this guy here was crying hysterically for the past three hours," Silas says while nudging Asher.

Asher screwed up his face and punched Silas in the stomach, "I was not, I was just worried,"

I smile at them both, "I told the parents I was going to the library, I thought they would have told you," I say weakly and Silas deadpanned.

I run towards the stairs without saying another word and run into my bedroom, closing the door behind me before jumping on my be with my bag.

I slide out the book he had given me and open to the first page.

There was a old picture, a man I didn't recognize with four kids. There was a boy with thick brown hair standing next to a girl with long blonde hair. In front of her was a young boy with short brown hair and a goofy smile.

I stare at the youngest in the photo, a three year old girl with black hair. All the kids shared the same blue eyes just like their father.

The little girl almost looked like - that would be impossible.

I search the back of the photo to see five names written in cursive writing.

Johnathan Fuchs, Ilias Fuchs, Idalia Fuchs, Isaiah Fuchs and baby Iliana Della Fuchs.

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