Chapter 10

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Percy's POV

"What do you mean you're keeping Nico here until summer campers start arriving? That's not for another four days!" 

"And I understand your concerns Percy but this is the best thing for Mr Di Angelo. I know he doesn't want to admit it, and you probably don't want to either, but Nico needs help." Chiron tries to explain. 

Nico and Chiron had joined both Percy and Jason by Leo's bedside over half an hour ago, and Percy still hadn't grasped the idea of Nico being admitted into the infirmary. Will was yet to arrive, having to take Hazel to a private room with Frank, but had promised to meet the group of demigods by the son of flames bedside. 

"Okay maybe he does, but he'snot going to get better staying in a four days in the place he hates." Percy argues watching the smaller boy grasping tightly onto Leo's other hand (the one Jason wasn't holding). 

Chiron just sighs and runs a tired hand along his face. "This isn't your decision to make Percy. As the activities director here at camp I don't see Nico well enough to participate, so he shall therefore be spending a minimum of four days in the camps infirmary. I'm sorry Percy but you can't change my mind." 

But Percy isn't one to give up easily and one glance at the defeated Ghost King gave Percy the energy he needed to give Nico a fighting chance. 

"Does Nico not have any say in this? Surely seeing as how this is about Nico's mental health he should be able to decide? It's only fair if he gets to partly decide this." 

At Percy's words Nico raises his head and locks eyes with the sea prince, a hopeful glint evident. Obviously he hasn't tried to object the idea. 

Chiron opes his mouth in realisation as if unsure of how to answer the now smug son of Poseidon. 

"Ah well...yes I suppose Nicholas does have a choice, however he did not voice his opinion when I raised the idea." 

At this Percy frowns. Nico hates the infirmary so why would he not object the idea? Percy glances back over to the broken demigod to see his their head cowered in shame, yet a glint of hope twinkles in the lowered eyes. 

 "Ok then, Nico would you like to stay in the infirmary for four days?" Percy addresses the younger boy. 

Nico raises his head at Percy's words and sends a grateful smile in the smirking demigod's direction. Said demigod watches intently as Nico tries to answer verbally before giving up and instead shaking his head. Percy frowns once again at the son of Hades actions, why didn't he just say no?  

Chiron sighs in defeat, knowing he'd lost the battle. "Fine Nicholas does not have to spend the next four days here, he does however need to be under the supervision of at least one member of the Prophecy of Seven at all times. He will also need to be checked over by Will before he leaves today." 

Percy nods in agreement at his mentor's words. It makes sense that if Nico is going to be allowed to stay active around camp the somebody was going to need to watch him, and Percy was very enthusiastic to volunteer for that role (not that anyone needs to know that...). As long as Nico was comfortable with Percy following him around 24/7 that is, and hopefully he was because the son of Poseidon was feeling very protective towards the Ghost King. Nico still hadn't spoken up to object any of the centaurs suggestions yet just by looking at the demigod's nearly covered face, Percy could tell he didn't like the idea of constantly being watched. 

"Ok Chiron and I would like to volunteer myself to supervise Nico until you or Will deem him well enough to be left alone." Percy raises the hand that had been secretly clutching his stomach in a joking manner. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2017 ⏰

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