#3 Sideline Action CLOSED

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This contest isn't exactly sideline action but it is something like that.

We are all writers here, right? We all have that favorite character we made that we love. Whether in a contest entry, a book you wrote on wattpad, a book you wrote not on wattpad, or a story that exists only in the realm of your imagination I want that amazing character!

With a catch, of course. You will give me a clip of how your character would act now, then write a back story for them.

This back story can be short or long. It all depends on you!

Allow me to give you a demonstration in this chapter. I will choose my favorite villain for this part, with a little show from my favorite hero-ish.

Densooth looked down at the prophecy on the desk in front of him dreading what the contents foretold. He had known all along that one day he would eventually lose and have to give up his post as the Black Wolf, but the signs were popping up far too frequently for his liking. He remembered when the signs had first come, years ago, but like mere minutes at the same time.

(Back story here)

It was a normal day in the gray tower. Densooth was plotting and studying prophecy as usual, but somehow something managed to slip past his magical barrier. It was impossible! Nothing could get through magic that strong! However when he saw what had gotten through he knew he was looking into the eyes of his worst enemy to come.

A cocky teenage boy with shining bronze hair sat on the windowsill eating a cupcake piled high with neon blue frosting. In his other hand hung a limp pizza that only seemed to have cheese and mushrooms for a topping. "You must be Densooth," the boy said, "or the Black Wolf. Probably both. The main point is, you are holding someone prisoner here and I am going to rescue them. So ha!"

Did that boy really expect to just waltz in saying that, and actually expect to succeed? Densooth walked toward him calmly to stop him when suddenly everything went black. The last thing her heard was "Cupcakes and tranquilizers was a bad idea," before the rest of his senses left him.

When he awoke his face was covered in gooey icing with a sickening sweet smell that only seemed to make his headache worse. He didn't have to look to know that strange boy had rescued whoever he was after and probably everyone else along with them. The first sign of Densooth's demise had shown and the time for waiting patiently was over.

(Back to present)

All that planning and patient preparation came to this moment. It was time.

You can, of course, use whatever format you wish to present this, but do tell me whether the character you are showing is hero, villain, or neither.

Thank you for reading and Happy New Year's Eve!

Your entry is due on January 31, 2017! Show me great awesomeness!

Go forty and be amazing!

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