Chapter 2: Lasagna

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-----Author's note-----

Well, i hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. I'm really blessed that all of you guys are reading my story. Thank you.


I jump out of the car, not literally jump, and head towards my humble abode. My mom walks out of the house to meet me. Her chocolate brown hair is curled in cute, little ringlets. Her bright enthusiastic smile always makes my day. She carefully sits down on my abuelita's rocking chair that's been on our porch for years.

"Hey, hon. Did you find anything?" She asks. She is a plus size like me, so she understands that the struggle is real. Her curious eyes land on my Rags And Tags bag. I wish there were fat people stores in my town.

"Yeah I found a couple of things," I say. I show my mom my new clothes, and she smiles in approval. She, of course, approves of the Aretha shirt, begging me to let her borrow it sometime.

"Oh, before I forget. Teresa called this morning and wanted to know if you would go to the water park with her and the girls."

 Where the hell am I going to buy a bathing suit that fits without all my fat hanging out. I don't want people looking at my flabby arms.

"Yeah, I guess I'll go," I say. I have to go shopping again. NOOO.

"Dad made your favorite by the way," mom says as we walk in. Great, the lasagna isn't going to help my flabby arms. But I can't say no to lasagna, I just can't.

"Hey dad," I say walking into the living room. He rubs his bald head and smiles. He's a big Superman fan, his shaved head being evidence of his imitation of Superman's nemesis, Lex Luthor. He's a little weird, I admit.

"Hey girly," he says, looking up from his old recliner. "Lasagna's in the oven right now. Could you please go set the table in the meanwhile." I go to the dining room and start setting the table. The scent of garlic and fresh basil fills the whole kitchen, and I can't help but savor the taste in my mouth. The aroma is temptation alone.

A loud beeping noise interrupts me from sniffing the air.

"Lois, can you get that out of the oven?" My dad yells from the living room.

"Sure thing!" I open the oven and my mouth starts watering. The cheese on top is slightly golden and bubbling. I lick my lips and reach for the lasagna.

"Ow!" I scream. I burned my hand. I look down and realize i have no oven mitts on. You dumb ass. I slap my forehead, which only makes my hand hurt even worse. Second stupid mistake of the night, but I am perfectly fine. The burn starts to take effect and my skin turns a dark, purplish color.

"You okay?" mom asks walking into the kitchen. I walk over to the sink and start running cold water on the burn. Good thing it was only one hand.

"Yeah," I tell my mom. "I forgot to put the oven mitts on."

"Don't worry. I'll get it." My mom is laughing as she pulls the deliciousness out of the oven. Fortunately for me, the lasagna is okay.


We're all sitting down at the family table enjoying the meal. And when I say enjoying, I actually mean devouring. My younger brother joined us when he heard that the oven burned me. Yes, he loves to see me in pain. He's only two years younger than me, but still acts like a four-year old.

"So anyways," my brother, Lex, says. "Tony squirted ketchup all over that girl!" He starts laughing like it's the funniest thing in the world. "She was hot too," he says laughing. Some of the food from his mouth comes flying onto my face.

"Bafoon," I mutter under my breath. I grab a napkin and clean the nasty remnants of Lex's lasagna off my face.

"What was that, Lois?" My brother asks smirking. Just please don't laugh again.

"Oh nothing," I say loudly this time. "By the way," I continue. "I saw your two slutty friends at the store earlier today." I want to punch Lex just thinking about those two bitches.

"What store and what friends?" he demands.

"Rags And Tags. I don't know their names. They have short blonde hair and dress the same."

He sighs, "Ahh, Lily and Mattie. I've been trying to get their phone numbers all summer."

"It shouldn't be that hard." My parents frown at me in disapproval.

Lex doesn't seem to be too mad though. "Yeah, I'm going to invite them to the water park this Saturday." Wait, what?!

"What do you mean THIS Saturday?" I ask. Please say no.

"Yeah. Why not. I mean you and your friends are going. You can take me too. Oh, and pick up Tony and the girls as well."

"Hell no!" I yell louder than necessary. "If you think for one second that I'm going to pick up those...."

"You two better get along," my dad says interrupting me. "Lois, just do your brother a favor and take his friends along. I'm sure it won't kill you." I don't mention how those 'girls' were making fun of me. I just smile and nod my head conjuring up a plan.

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