Crap Day

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Zayn's POV

I was awakened by a touch brushed my skin smoothly, wait, what or who'd that be

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I was awakened by a touch brushed my skin smoothly, wait, what or who'd that be. I thought that I should get up yet my laziness was still taking over me and I was sleepy still. I faced the other direction and pulled the covers because I was shivering, trust me it's cold in here when the morning comes.

I was still disturbed by something touching my feet. Ugh, really disturbing.

"Okay, that's it, I have to get up." I clearly got up, shoved the cover and stretched myself up and get ready to leave as Taylor said last night. I rubbed my face and reached my hair to fixed it.

"WOAH THERE MEREDITH, GOSH YOU SCARED ME!" It was Meredith the cat, the one touching my feet incidentally, I reached her and hold her for a bit. I rubbed her back and said, " Meredith, Hi, I think we meet again eh?"

Meredith meowed and I let out a chuckle and shook my head, I had to get ready and ready to leave eh? I got up and fixed the bed. I put my shirt on and ready to leave. I opened the door and silenced my steps a bit. When I suddenly closed the door, someobe tapped my shoulder.

I turned and there she was, with her apron on." Zayn, come and eat breakfast first, I cooked early, come on! "

"Oh okay." I followed her downstairs and settled in the dining table. I filled my plate with those yummy breakfast menu and shoved it in my mouth slowly.

I pulled my class of orange juice and started a conversation, "Uhm, the breakfast is really good. Thanks anyway."

"What can I say? I'm a really good cook." She smiled proudly and I just laughed at her. She's really funny, what can I do? She's my old friend.

"There you are again, being really proud about yourself."

"Oh please, it's just me agreeing or the universe also. " We laughed and turned into silence again, really serious.

"Uh-uhm, Zayn can I ask you a question?" She query. I stared at her eyes, what is this now.
"Go ahead." I yook a bite on my apple and munched it in. "Are you okay? "

For real? I am not okay at all. With all these happenings on my life? Oh please, give me a break.

"I am. What kind of a question is that? " I was literally sitting right now. I finished my meal and get ready to leave.

It was 7 o'clock in the morning. I was in the living room, playing with meredith. I was just waiting for Taylor finishing the dishes because she didn't want to get caught by Selena. Well, me too, I don't wanna get caught.

Suddenly, I heard some footsteps from upstairs. I thought it was Taylor yet she's at the kitchen. No way she's awake. I took a glance and there she was, stretching herself and yawning after. Oh my god, what am I gonna do next.

"Tay!!!? Where are you? Why are you so early today? Ugh, my back hurts like a lot." Selena quaked from upstairs, she still didn't notice me. Tay came running and signaling me to go to the back door, "Zayn, come on, take the back door, hurry!"

"Okay fine, just calm down. " I reached the back door and started running, she waved her hand I just nodded, this is gonna be a crap day, want to know why? Because it started with her.

"Geez, good luck to me."


Ringgggggggg! Ri-!

God, the boys must be calling right now. Ugh, my phone!!! I reached for my pocket and there it is.

I answered the call immediately,"Yes Niall?"

"Zayn? Thank God you're alive." He responded. You're really helping me right now Ni, really.

"What makes you think I'm dead?"

"What!? Shut up for now, we need you here at the main office." Okay, what now !? Is it all about the fake one fixed relationship with Selena again? I've had enough today. I just got my breakfast an hour ago and I am here at the park, wandering. Crap!

"Okay I'll be there in an instance." I ended the call and started walking out from the park. I got a cab and got in suddenly.

"Ugh, here we go again Zayn."

"Zayn!? Woah, you're Zayn from that band, what band are you in again boy?" The old man who's driving the cab asked me. Wow, even old people could recognize us these days, what a world.

"Uh-uhm, it's One Direction, but can you please treat me like a normal person for now?" I looked at him and I saw him nodded, after that, I glanced at the people walking on the streets of Beverly Hills. These people were so lucky, they have simple lives yet they were happy with it anyways, unlike me, such a pity.

"We're here, Sir. Enjoy your day!" I nodded, I gave my fare and got outside. I smirked, the cab was gone, "Trust me, it's going to be a crap day."

I headed inside the company, the employees were.looking at me. Oh shit! I forgot my shades. Damn, they must've thought that I was in a bad situation with the xompany roght now, I don't want to get humiliated, I am their client.

I headed the meeting room and I spotted the lads, I gasoed for air, I sat on the vacant seat and made myself comfortable with a woman beside me. Wait what!?


There's a woman beside me. I don't want to look at her or even glance at her. I turned my face at the lads and their faces were not in the mood, okay, what is this??

"What!??" I whispered. I hissed at them. Their heads are pointing out to the woman beside me. I gave 'em 'what about her? I don't care' look and in return, they rolled their ayes in unison. What's the big deal with this woman anyway?? They were getting on my nerves.

I fixed my outfit and turned myself to the woman who's beside me. " Excuse me, but who are--"

She turned and fixed her hair, "What now, jerk." IT.WAS.SELENA.GOMEZ. WHY DIDN'T I THOUGHT OF THAT WENCH GIRL?? DAMN.

This day couldn't get crappier.

A/N: Hi guys, well it's veen like forever since I didn't write so here's the new chap! Hope you'll enjoy it, please vote and leave a comment also if you got hooked up with the story, thanks!!! Looking forward to the next chaps. Love. M 😁

Troublemakers (Zayn Malik and Selena Gomez FF)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora